
PinnoThin is claimed to suppress appetite, while Clarinol is claimed to reduce body fat and increase lean muscle mass

Clarinol, Marinol and PinnoThin to get boost Stateside

By Elaine Watson

The new owner of body-shaping Clarinol CLA, appetite-suppressing PinnoThin pine nut oil and heart/brain healthy Marinol omega-3s says sales should grow significantly as it increases their distribution Stateside.

Why Madonna Studies won't get the washing-up done...


Why Madonna Studies won't get the washing-up done...

By Ben Bouckley

Racing driver, Spitfire pilot, concert pianist, prima ballerina. Let’s face it, food factory manager or food technologist are not up there with the traditional dream professions for children destined to be the ‘brightest and best’ of tomorrow.

Dr Corpet receives her prize from DSM's Manfred Eggersdorfer

Epigeneticist wins DSM science award

French researcher Dr Armelle Corpet from the University Pierre and Marie Curie in Paris, yesterday won the €10,000 first prize in the 2011 southern edition of the DSM Science & Technology Awards.

Mapping the human genome is heralding a

DSM Science & Technology Awards

DSM: “There is a renaissance in nutrition”

By Shane Starling

In advance of the presentation of the southern edition of the DSM Science and Technology Awards yesterday, DSM senior VP in nutritional science and nutrition and health advocacy, Dr Manfred Eggersdorfer, explained how it is that nutrition science is entering...

ANH-EU has joined other trade groups in condemning the NHS report's anti-supplement conclusions...and the motivations of its author

ANH slams NHS supplements report

By Shane Starling

The Alliance for Natural Health Europe (ANH-EU) has slammed a recent UK National Health Service (NHS) report which questioned the effectiveness of most food supplements as the statement of an increasingly politically motivated body.

Probiotics could boost immune functions in athletes, says Prof

Probiotics could boost immune functions in athletes, says Prof

By Nathan Gray

Probiotics are best used for their potentially beneficial effects on gut health, but they may also help to boost immune functions – an effect that could benefit sports stars in the future, according to a leading sports scientist.

India is investing in probiotic research

India calls for probiotic research for women-children

By Shane Starling

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is calling on researchers to submit projects investigating probiotic benefits in women and children, and has set an August 15 submission deadline.

BASF 'impressed' with Cognis integration, expecting more M&A

BASF 'impressed' with Cognis integration, expecting more M&A

By Stephen Daniells

One year on from the $3.1 billion acquisition of Cognis, Samy Jandali, VP of nutrition and health North America for BASF, told Stephen Daniells why he is impressed with the progress of the integration and why we can expect more M&A in the nutrition...

A man rehydrates. Or does he?

EFSA water-hydration rejection “unfounded and unjustified”

By Shane Starling

The likelihood of some kind of legal retaliation against a rejected article 14 water-dehydration health claim is mounting, following the publication of widespread condemnation of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) opinion.

Denmark puts the squeeze on Marmite? Not necessarily

Denmark: There is no Marmite ban

By Shane Starling

The Danish government has clarified that Marmite is not in fact banned, but merely in need of a marketing authorisation as per European Union health claim rules.

Prebiotics and probiotics show skin health potential

SkinCare Ingredients 2011

Prebiotics and probiotics show skin health potential

By Stephen Daniells

Friendly bacteria and the fibres they feed on may be the next big entrance into the skin care ingredient sector, with data showing their potential for boosting skin health and preventing conditions like acne.

Hali-Z claims are outside the NHCR remit, says EFSA health claims panel

EFSA health claim opinion

Bad breath: EFSA finds breath odour is not a function of the body

By Shane Starling

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has rejected an emerging data article 13.5 health claim submission linking zinc and bad breath for being irrelevant to the EU nutrition and health claims regulation (NHCR).

The NHS backs the balanced diet, but stats show it fails to provide adequate nutrient levels

Industry response - NHS report on food supplements

Supplements – Who needs them? Er, around 85% of working adults, say stats

By Shane Starling

The UK and European food supplements industry has hit back at a recent UK National Health Service (NHS) report that largely cast supplements as being ineffective, and recommended ‘a balanced diet’ as the best way to achieve optimum nutrition.

WWF on krill:

Dispatches from Vitafoods Europe 2011

WWF on krill: "World’s largest under-exploited fishery"

By Shane Starling

Krill provides only a small link in the omega-3 supply chain, but the sustainability of the Antarctic fishery is regularly brought under the spotlight, often unfairly says the WWF.

New dosage forms drive supplements growth but is social media helping?

Dispatches from Vitafoods Europe 2011

New dosage forms drive supplements growth but is social media helping?

By Shane Starling

Traditional food supplement forms are getting a makeover as manufacturing advances permit ever greater possibilities says Jeff Hilton, co-founder of US consultancy the Integrated Marketing Group (IMG). But is your social media strategy helping?

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