
Medicine or food?

“Shoddy” herbal safety study slammed for bias

By Shane Starling

A study that found 75% of herbal products on sale in the UK were not adequately labelled with safety information has been criticised for mischaracterising the majority of products it assessed like ginseng, ginkgo and St John's wort.

What role with MEPs play in assessing EFSA health claim opinions?

EHPM: MEP health claim support is “encouraging”

By Shane Starling

A Brussels-based pan-European trade group says it is encouraged by interactions with MEPs who are set to play an active role in scrutinising and potentially modifying controversial European Union health claim rejections.

Ginkgo: One of five herbs that needs to improve safety messaging, according to researchers

Study questions herbal safety messaging for 75% of products

By Shane Starling

A UK study has found 75% of a sample of marquee herbal products in the UK do not contain safety information about documented side-effects – at least before May’s introduction of the European Union Herbal Directive.

Cranberry price fluctuates at 8th Ocean Spray auction

By Shane Starling

Ocean Spray saw price fluctuations compared to May auction levels as the cranberry leader sold 148,750 gallons of concentrate at its eighth auction since switching to the sales system in 2009.

The project aims to increase knowledge for botanical decision makers

€6m EU project tackles herbal supplement issues

By Shane Starling

‘European Union project number 245199’ may provide some of the answers to the complex problem of regulating botanicals across the bloc with about 100 scientists, regulators and stakeholders working on the four-year, €6m project.

Walsh: Tremendous opportunity for further growth in US market

Herbalife to expand manufacturing footprint

By Elaine Watson

Direct selling supplements giant Herbalife aims to expand its manufacturing footprint dramatically over the next two-to-four years as it steps up plans to make more of its products in-house.

Or not?

EFSA health claim opinions

Red yeast rice and creatine win positive health claim opinions (but…)

By Shane Starling

European health claim experts say the devil may be in the detail of two positive European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) health claim opinions for red yeast rice and creatine that featured in the final batch of article 13, general function claims issued...

EFSA boosts Toothfriendly developing world dental campaign

EFSA boosts Toothfriendly developing world dental campaign

By Shane Starling

The 20-year-old non-profit group, Toothfriendly, says its efforts to promote dental health have been boosted by recent European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) positive opinions – including non-European, developing world nations.

Danisco buy-out fails to dent DuPont Q2 earnings

Danisco buy-out fails to dent DuPont Q2 earnings

By Shane Starling

Dupont, which earlier in the year warned that its May $6.49bn acquisition of Danisco would dent its yearly profits, has defied expectations in second quarter results published today.

“Consumption of cereal products high in slowly digestible starch raises blood glucose concentrations less after a meal than cereal products low in slowly digestible starch”.

EFSA health claim opinion

Kraft chews on article 13.5 glycaemic health claim win

By Shane Starling

Kraft Foods Europe is the second company to win a positive article 13.5 proprietary and emerging science health claim opinion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) with a submission linking starch and glycaemic response in baked products.

Supplements can help make up widespread dietary 'five-a-day' fruit and veg shortfalls

Food supplements left out in the cold by UK dietary survey

By Shane Starling

The food supplements industry has expressed disappointment it was not given more credence in the face of a recent UK Department of Health (DOH) dietary survey that highlighted several significant dietary shortfalls.

Probably not the kind of dietary intervention being called for to tackle the type 2 diabetes pandemic

Special edition: Diabetes

Can dietary interventions treat diabetes' deathly global heathcare burdens?

By Shane Starling

As the previous three articles in this series have highlighted, dietary interventions that can combat the rise of diabetes and obesity are numerous and plentiful, as is the growing body of science backing their efficacy, from herbs to vitamins, proteins...

The electronic tongue can quantify the antioxidant power of a fruit juice

New electronic tongue quantifies antioxidants in juice

By Nathan Gray

A new electronic tongue system that can be applied to the analysis of the antioxidant power and other quality parameters of juices, fruit and fruit purées, has been developed by a team of Spanish researchers.

Over the Moon:

Provexis and DSM forge peptide-diabetes partnership

By Shane Starling

Provexis and DSM Nutritional Products have teamed up for the second time to research, develop and bring to market a non-dairy protein peptide with glycaemic response potential.

Forget it kid, it won't help...

EFSA health claim opinion

EFSA rejects kids' probiotic gut health claim

EFSA’s Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) has turned down a probiotic-children’s gut health claim from Italian company Centro Sperimentale del Latte because of non-characterised strains and a non-beneficial claim.

BRIC by BRIC: Building new strategies is key in new markets

No one strategy for all BRIC countries, says paper

By Ankush Chibber

Food and beverage makers should be prepared to move away from the conventional marketing strategies when it comes to countries like India and China, a white paper from UK-based Healthy Marketing Team said.

Indian consumers are not ready for healthy options that taste differently from the full-calorie version

Health foods yet to catch up in India

By Ankush Chibber

Two product withdrawals in India for sugar-free and fat-free foods suggest that the country's consumers may not yet be ready for healthy options that taste differently from the full-calorie original.

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