
Yes to quality

Chromium picolinate benefitting from EFSA quality seal of approval

By Shane Starling

High quality chromium picolinate, the blood glucose controlling mineral form last year approved for use in foods in the European Union by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), is benefitting from the approval that backed high quality forms of the...

The soy industry hopes EFSA will acknowledge cholesterol-heart benefits second time around

Soy story 2: Rejected soy players resubmit cholesterol health claim

By Shane Starling

Just days after its soy protein-cholesterol reduction health claim was writ into the European Union register of rejected claims, the soy industry has re-entered the game with a fresh submission it says has learnt hard lessons from last year’s EFSA rebuttal.

Obesity is a key risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes.

Special Edition: Diabetes

How can nutrition aid diabetes management?

By Nathan Gray

Diabetes affects more than 220 million people globally and the consequences of high blood sugar kill 3.4 million every year. In the second part of our special series on diabetes, NutraIngredients looks at the role of nutrition and diet in managing, and...

Reduced sodium is not a killer USP for most consumers

The uncomfortable truth about Campbell's salt u-turn

By Elaine Watson

It’s enraged dieticians and delighted the Salt Institute. But Campbell Soup’s high-profile u-turn on sodium raises some difficult questions about reformulation for all stakeholders.

France abolishes maximum levels for some vitamins

France abolishes maximum levels for some vitamins

By Shane Starling

France has bucked the European Union Food Supplements Directive (FSD) by removing maximum permitted levels (MPLs) in food supplements for vitamins K, B1, B2, B5, B8 and B12.

Study reveals ‘two faces’ of vitamin E oxidation

Study reveals ‘two faces’ of vitamin E oxidation

By Nathan Gray

Research investigating the effects of tocopherols on cholesterol markers has suggested that the vitamin E molecules have different oxidation patterns depending on the compound they are attached to.

With our offices shut for the day, NutraIngredients takes a brief look back at two recent acquisitions in the nutra space

Mergers and acquisitions reflections

As we move forward into the year’s second semester, NutraIngredients looks back at two major acquisitions – DSM’s buy-out of Martek, and DuPont’s purchase of Danisco.

EFSA delivers sports market blow: Consultant

EFSA health claim opinions

EFSA delivers sports market blow: Consultant

By Shane Starling

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) rejection last week of health claims for sports nutrients like L-carnitine, acetyl of L-carnitine, glutamine or tyrosine may have a devastating effect on the European market, warns French consultancy, Nutraveris.

Chr Hansen brings down genomic research costs (and time)

Chr Hansen brings down genomic research costs (and time)

Danish supplier Chr Hansen is reaping the benefits of more than 10 years researching genomics and bioinformatics of its probiotic and other bacterial strains, with inhouse analysis that can cost less than €1000 per strain.

Astaxanthin won't help protect the skin from UV damage, says EFSA

EFSA health claim opinion

Astaxanthin health claim rejection “not a big surprise”

By Shane Starling

Astaxanthin suppliers have expressed disappointment at last week’s rejection of the carotenoid by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) health claims panel, but said the rejection was not unexpected given the agency’s treatment of other carotenoids...

Desperate times: With EFSA rejecting clinical data en masse, Dr Glenn Gibson dons his magic, technicolour health claim dream labcoat in the hope of winning a claim. The NDA concludes causality has not been demonstrated between magic and dreamcoats

EU researchers revolted as EFSA clears health claims vault

By Shane Starling

The European Food Safety Authority last week delivered the fifth batch of article 13, general function health claim opinions bringing the total issued to 2723. There are just 35 to go – to be published next month in a final mini-batch that will conclude...

Three gut types may have functional differences, says researcher

Three gut types may have functional differences, says researcher

By Nathan Gray

Earlier this year, an international team of scientists identified three distinct varieties of gut microflora. NutraIngredients caught up with the lead researcher of the project to find out more about the research and its possible implications.

No serious adverse effects at high doses of omega-3s, conclude Norwegian authorities

Norway: No high-dose omega-3 adverse effects

By Shane Starling

Norwegian authorities have conducted a safety review of omega-3 forms EPA and DHA and found no adverse effects up to levels as high as 6.9g per day for certain conditions – a level far in excess of recent German recommendations of 1.5g/day.

Rejected L-carnitine dossier missed key data, says abject researcher

EFSA health claim opinion

Veteran L-carnitine prof: Rejected dossier literature is 'out of date'

By Shane Starling

A highly peeved, 30-year veteran L-carnitine researcher has written to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) calling on the agency to alter its rejection yesterday of an L-carnitine, article 13 health claim dossier that apparently was loaded with...

Many positive opinions, many more negative in the latest batch of EFSA health claim missives


EFSA publishes article 13, batch 5 – winners and losers

By Shane Starling

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) this morning published 536 health claims in 73 opinions in the fifth batch of general function claims.

Cow & Gate Growing Up Milk: Somewhat misleading claims, finds ASA

Nutricia lightly spanked over infant formula marketing

By Shane Starling

TV and direct mail adverts for a follow-on milk made by Danone-owned infant formula maker Nutricia have been deemed misleading by the UK advertising watchdog, although parts of the 2009 campaign were upheld.

‘Unacceptable’ Nutella ad should have been banned, says Which?

‘Unacceptable’ Nutella ad should have been banned, says Which?

By Ben Bouckley

Consumer watchdog Which? has hit out at an Advertising Standards Authority adjudication that rejected 31 complaints about a television advert for Nutella hazlenut spread, calling the authority’s failure to ban it a “huge disappointment”.

Metagenomic data evolves vitamin E science

Metagenomic data evolves vitamin E science

By Shane Starling from Interlaken, Switzerland

Information about the human genome is providing new insights into the way vitamin E – a nutrient that has very much ridden the scientific roller coaster in recent years in the face of questioning meta reviews – functions in the body.

Russian probiotic market booming (with medical backing)

Russian probiotic market booming (with medical backing)

By Shane Starling

Russia’s probiotic market that has shown annual growth rates of around 50% in recent years and settled closer to 10%, is benefitting from medical profession support, according to a leading paediatrician.

Dead probiotics may be useful healthwise

Probiotech 2011

Dead or alive: Probiotics benefits beyond the grave

By Shane Starling from Milan

Dead probiotic bacteria that typically reside alongside live cultures in probiotic formulations, could be contributing to healthful effects, researchers told the Probiotech conference in Milan, Italy, last week.

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