
Rethinking vitamin A

Rethinking vitamin A

Both high and low levels of vitamin A can increase hip fractures in
older women, reported researchers at a scientific meeting in the US
last week. The study shows that calls to reduce vitamin A
supplementation may need to be reconsidered,...

Looking at lutein

Looking at lutein

Only 38 per cent of people in the UK have heard of Age-Related
Macular Degeneration (AMD), reveals this year's omnibus survey
carried out by lutein manufacturer Kemin Foods.

Making the most of omegas

Making the most of omegas

Intensive marketing and increased health preoccupations could both
be responsible for the mounting consumer awareness of fatty acids
in Australia and New Zealand and the favourable perception of
polyunsaturated 'good' fats...

Further research on Enova

Further research on Enova

The Enova brand cooking oil, produced jointly by ADM and Japan's
Kao, has been shown to increase the body's ability to burn fat and
may also improve appetite control and energy balance, according to
new research.

EU directive moves into law

EU directive moves into law

Regulations to implement the provisions of the EU directive on food
supplements in England were laid before the UK parliament this
week. The UK is likely to see the removal of more supplements than
most other Member States.

Nuts on cholesterol

Nuts on cholesterol

The more nuts you eat, the lower your cholesterol, a new study
appears to suggest. Researchers at the Lorna Linda University in
California found that people who replaced 20 per cent of their
energy intake with almonds significantly...

New agreement for Probi

New agreement for Probi

Swedish biotech company Probi has signed a licence agreement with
the Australian probiotics supplier Health World, giving the
Australian firm the right to market products containing one of
Probi's patented bacteria on the Australian...

A sweeter end product

A sweeter end product

German sweeteners firm Nutrinova reports on new research showing
how sweeteners used in hot drinks can alter the flavour profile.
The results allow the company to provide sweetener manufacturers
with useful guidance, it says.

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