
Let's drink to health

Let's drink to health

'Healthiness-to-go' appears to be the order of the day on Europe's
supermarket shelves as Mintel's Global New Product Database reveals
a number of new functional drinks launched in the last month.

Cop on to bone health

Cop on to bone health

Taking copper supplements had a protective effect against oxidation
in erythrocytes in older adults, according to new European
research, investigating the role of the trace mineral on human

Praying for a healthy heart

Praying for a healthy heart

Greek Orthodox Christians who avoid specific foods at certain times
of the year as part of their religion's fasting regimes have lower
levels of LDL cholesterol, report researchers, suggesting fasting
can be beneficial for the...

Which drink is 98% fat free?

Which drink is 98% fat free?

The UK Dairy Council is launching a campaign to try to improve the
image of milk. A survey found that women are not eating the
recommended three portions of dairy products a day and many believe
the fat content of milk to be much...

Summer attitude in France

Summer attitude in France

Two new products for the French slimming market: 'Veinosvelt', a
natural extract-based formula to combat cellulite, and
'Pro-satietil hyperproteine', a high protein product range suitable
for Atkin's diet...

Tea beats bad breath

Tea beats bad breath

Compounds found in tea can stop the growth of bacteria that cause
bad breath, according to researchers at the University of Illinois
at Chicago, presenting results of a new study this week.

Roche highlights R&D progress

Roche highlights R&D progress

A Roche scientist received an innovation award yesterday for
developing an environmentally friendly process to produce genistein
in a very pure form. The new process has been filed for patent and
will be implemented by the Swiss group...

Food intolerance at the FSA

Food intolerance at the FSA

The Food Standards Agency has launched a new section on its website
providing information on 24 different types of food intolerance.
Foods marketed to those with food intolerance is a growing segment
in supermarket aisles.

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