
Boosting protein crops

Boosting protein crops

A high-protein flour derived from transgenic rice seeds could pose
a threat to premium protein supplements used to boost nutrition
levels, researchers from Taipei suggested yesterday.

Food and health seminar

Food and health seminar

A seminar organised by the Food Industry Training centre at the
University of Reading will deal with the latest information on
obesity, salt, vitamins and minerals, for food manufacturers trying
to respond to consumer health interests.

DSM figures take a dip in Q2

DSM figures take a dip in Q2

With sales and operating profit both diving in the second quarter
the summer sun is not shining on DSM with the outlook also
decidedly gloomy for the next three months. However all is not
bleak with a rebound predicted by the year...

Waste not, want not

Waste not, want not

The nutraceutical industry could soon be using ingredients recycled
from the waste produced by cheese makers and other food
manufacturers. Australian scientists have designed a patented
method to extract nutrients from whey and other...

Who needs milk?

Who needs milk?

The biggest milk drinkers in Europe, Scandinavians are being swayed
by retailer marketing and new products to discover the growing
number of non-dairy drinks on offer, suggests a new report.

Snack attack

Snack attack

Eating in between mealtimes is fundamentally ingrained in
Europeans' eating habits, claims a new report that should encourage
manufacturers of healthy snacks.

Lonza profits rise

Lonza profits rise

Lonza, the Swiss fine chemicals company, has reported a 5.2 per
cent rise in net profits for the first half of the year to SFr161
million (€109m) after good performances from all its main operating

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