
Snack Size Science: Soy’s promise for long-life

Snack Size Science: Soy’s promise for long-life

By Stephen Daniells

NutraIngredient’s Snack Size Science brings you the week's top science every two weeks. This week we look at the potential of soy to slow the ageing process and extend lifespan.

Datamonitor: New horizons for omega-3

Special edition: Market insights

Datamonitor: New horizons for omega-3

By Mark Whalley, Datamonitor

Most European consumers identify omega-3 as essentially healthy, but there is a “significant knowledge shortcoming” about specific health benefits, Datamonitor tells NutraIngredients as part of a special series revealing insights from market analysts.

Could soy isoflavones extend life?

Could soy isoflavones extend life?

By Stephen Daniells

Soy isoflavones may activate anti-ageing proteins and lead to an extension of life, suggests preliminary research from Newcastle University in the UK.

Markets: A global break-down for resveratrol

Special edition: Resveratrol

Markets: A global break-down for resveratrol

By Lorraine Heller

In the first part of a special series on resveratrol, NutraIngredients looks at the state of the market for the heart-health ingredient. What has driven growth so far, and what are the opportunities and challenges ahead?

The evolution of Europe’s health claims system

Health claims focus

The evolution of Europe’s health claims system

By Shane Starling

In part two of a series on the European nutrition and health claims regulation, we take a look into the past to scrutinize the reasons for its inception and wonder whether it is meeting its goals.

Timeline of key EU health claim opinions

Health claims focus

Timeline of key EU health claim opinions

By Shane Starling

In the first of a special four-part series, NutraIngredients constructs a timeline of key opinions issued by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) since it got the ball rolling back in August last year.

Polyphenols may protect omega-3 formulations

Polyphenols may protect omega-3 formulations

By Stephen Daniells

The shelf-life of omega-3 formulations may be extended by adding quercetin, an antioxidant polyphenol found in onion, apples, and tea, suggests a new study.

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