
Getty | minoandriani

Nutritionist's view: Veganuary gets a health check

By Nikki Cutler

Veganism is very much in vogue this month as a record 300,000 people have signed up to Veganuary but what are the health impacts of shunning all things animal? Registered nutritionist Laura Clark gives her advice.

istock | shironosov

Nutritionist's view: How to cater to the ageing population

By Nikki Cutler

With the global 60+ age group growing at a rate of 3% per year (United Nations 2017). Registered nutritionist Dr Laura Wyness has some tips for food companies as to how they can appeal to these consumers with products tailored to their specific needs....

What are trends for? How to make the most of market reports…

Guest Article

What are trends for? How to make the most of market reports…

By Virpi Varjonen, Analyst & Strategist at Invenire Market Intelligence

What are the main trends? Where is the market going? These are the regularly asked questions within the food and nutrition industry. But why? And how do we actually get the most out of trends reports?

© Getty Images / image_jungle

Guest article

‘Under Siege’: A year of reflection and next level growth

By George Paraskevakos, Executive Director, International Probiotics Association (IPA)

As I celebrated three years at IPA in April, I couldn’t help but reflect on the shape the industry has taken. Going from being sparingly mentioned in the press and fast forward to today and it is almost every other week we see probiotics in the headlines....

Dr. Sara De Pelsmaeker

Inflammation is set to be the next big health concern for ageing populations

WATCH: Shrewd over-60's fight inflammation to avoid isolation

By Nikki Cutler

'Anti-inflammatory' is set to be the next big health buzz word as our ageing population looks to avoid isolation and depression, says Rousselot.

iStock | Over 65 shopper

How to appeal to senior consumers.

HiE: Golden rules for netting the golden year shoppers

By Nikki Cutler

Health food, drink and supplement marketers must sell to the growing over 65’s market by moving away from anti-ageing terms, according to new research revealed at Health Ingredients Europe.

iStock / Imilian

Want to star in our industry-leading video content? Meet NutraIngredients at HiE and get involved!

Will you be at HiE? Come and meet our editors – BOOK HERE

By Robert Rose

The editors of NutraIngredients have opened up booking slots for the industry to take part in our next batch of videos – looking at the latest trends and hot issues in nutrition. We want YOUR comments and insights on the latest trends.

iStock / nensuria

Editor's Spotlight: Video Diaries

WATCH: How are digital technologies altering the nutrition industry?

By Nathan Gray

Digital technologies are rapidly changing the industry operates. From e-commerce, and new routes to market, to better and more efficient supply chains … and new ways to market products – there is a seemingly endless scope for ways that smart tech and...

iStock / scyther5

NutraIngredients speaks to nutritionist to find out what deficiencies people are risking when following on-trend diets, and what they must do to stay healthy.

Trendy diets lead to dangerous disorders, warns nutritionist

By Nikki Cutler

Trendy diets touted on social media are leading people to have serious nutritional deficiencies and irreversible illnesses, a nutritionist has warned.

© iStock / ayo888

WATCH: Does sports nutrition still have an image issue?

By Nathan Gray

While the sports nutrition market continues to blossom in the wider consumer marketplace, a small number of elite-level athletes continue to suggests 'dodgy' supplements are to blame for failed doping tests. In our latest Nutra video diary we...

WATCH: What are the biggest sports nutrition myths?

Editor's Spotlight: Video Diaries

WATCH: What are the biggest sports nutrition myths?

By Nathan Gray

When it comes to sports nutrition, there's a lot of fake news. But what are the biggest myths in the area? In our latest video diary we asked a panel of experts at the recent Sports Nutrition Congress 2018 to share the myths they hear most often.

© Getty Images / ratmaner

From the Editor's Desk

Vitamin D & bone health: The flawed logic of RCTs for vitamins

By Stephen Daniells

It was supposed to be the final word on vitamin D for bone health, but a new meta-analysis does more to illustrate the flaws in applying a drug model to essential nutrients than it does to dismiss the potential bone health benefits of the sunshine vitamin.

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Nutraingredients gets behind the scenes insight into unconventional products being developed by supplements and sports nutrition giant Sci-MX

Re-writing convention: The only way to innovate in a saturate market

By Nikki Cutler

Manufacturers must ignore the status-quo and pursue unconventional ideas in order to innovate in an over-saturate market, according to the product manager at Sci-MX.

© Getty Images / Dr_Microbe

From the Editor's Desk

No BBC, probiotics are not 'quite useless'

By Stephen Daniells

A new BBC article dismisses the benefits of probiotics because a study failed to find colonization. It is a serious mistake to confuse colonization with efficacy and we need to get this message across to consumers.

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