
From left: Juha Villanen, Dmitry Alexeev, Gill Blander, Rob Boudeker and chair Arnold Bos (Lux Research)

Personalised nutrition: A chance for real change

By Nikki Hancocks

Personalised nutrition has the potential to be at the forefront of real change in the fight against nutrition and lifestyle caused chronic diseases, according to experts speaking at the Future Food-Tech Summit.

Getty | ThitareeSarmkasat

Keto diet claims vs reality: What the science says

By Nikki Cutler

The keto diet is often not the performance boosting mechanism it is claimed to be, according to an expert who plans to set the record straight at NutraIngredients’ Sports Nutrition Summit next month.

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From the editor's desk

Why don’t more consumers use omega-3s?

By Hank Schultz

A recent panel discussion hosted by NutraIngredients-USA pointed out that the omega-3s market is robust, albeit slowly growing, but also that it could be so much more.

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Mental Health Awareness Week

Expert view: How diet reversed my depression

By Nikki Cutler

A plant-based nutritionist revealed at Vitafood last week how changing her diet reversed the depression that caused chronic health issues throughout her childhood.

Getty | Pablo K

Mental Health Awareness Week

Cerebral supplements: Get more good mood food

By Nikki Cutler

Supplement firms should stop focusing on 'selling another bottle' and start getting to the route of stress with products that nourish our neurons, according to a pharmacist who spoke at Vitafoods last week.

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Vitafoods 2019

Data: The new currency or controversy?

By Nikki Cutler

Personalised nutrition firms need to improve the quality of their data collection protocols or risk worsening bias and societal inequalities, an expert has warned.

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From the editor’s desk:

Are proprietary blends useful tools, or the bane of the industry?

By Hank Schultz

The move toward transparency can run up against competitive concerns when it comes to blends. Participants at a recent botanicals conference had taken to referring to proprietary blends as the ‘bane of the industry.’

istock | Marian Vejcik

The shifting politics of nutrition: Time for a national uprising?

By Nikki Cutler

With the European elections coming up and Brexit debate sending the UK's government into disarray, Peter Wennstrom, business strategist and founder of Healthy Marketing Team, points out the worrying parallels between politics and nutrition.

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From the Editor's Desk

Experts versus influencers: How to push facts without the fame

By Nikki Cutler

The key to healthy nutrition is to limit your sugar and fat intake, eat more fruit and veg, and choose whole grains and lean proteins.

Well that was the least grabbing intro to a story I’ve ever written…I hope.

Getty | Rimma Bondarenko

Protein potential: Exploring the opportunities

By Nikki Cutler

While its essential for healthy ageing, protein’s ability to repair and grow the body only scratches the surface of the nutrient’s potential. Nandi Proteins is one of the companies exploring that potential.

Getty | urfinguss

Hero products: Saving the world one health innovation at a time

By Nikki Cutler

Health is one of the biggest trends in food and drink today as consumers and startups look to undo damage done by 100 years of mass production, according to an innovation expert who spoke at the International Food and Drink Event this week.

©iStock/Droits d'auteur Leonid Eremeychuk

Food for thought

Why the food industry can’t ignore the bioeconomy boom

By David Burrows

Publication of the European Commission’s new bioeconomy strategy last October may have passed many in the food sector by. However, the agri-food chain lies at the heart of the concept.

Getty | BlueGame

Dietitian's view: Should celeb Instagram ads be banned?

By Nikki Cutler

Celebrity-endorsements on social media could be exacerbating our nationwide rise in diet deficiencies, an expert has said in response to a doctor's call to ban all celeb social media ads for diet products.

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