
NutraVideo: Clinical studies are key in gaining consumer trust

NutraVideo: Clinical studies are key in gaining consumer trust

By Danielle Masterson

The Coronavirus pandemic was a wakeup call for many, highlighting how conventional medicine may not have immediate solutions. This is driving consumers to look for alternative solutions, but not everyone is convinced dietary supplements are the answer....

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Experts criticise government review of Vitamin D for COVID-19

By Nikki Hancocks

Nutrition and industry experts have responded to Public Health England's (PHE) reports which found no evidence to support taking vitamin D supplements to prevent or treat COVID‑19, describing the conclusions as 'narrow-minded' and 'abysmal'.

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Comment Piece

Has sports nutrition lost its protein bar?

By Nikki Hancocks

The dilemma seemed to develop quite suddenly. I was writing an article on trends in the sports nutrition category and I found myself unsure what new product developments I should, or could, include in the piece.

Nutracast Podcast: Dr. Paul Clayton on cellular aging

Nutracast Podcast: Dr. Paul Clayton on cellular aging

By Danielle Masterson

In recent years, research on aging has seen some major advancements, including the discovery that the rate of aging is controlled, at least to some extent. And according to Dr. Paul Clayton, who has researched, written and presented about the process...

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Myth busting: Probiotics and immunity

By Nikki Hancocks

Probiotics are gaining popularity across the globe but there are various misconceptions about their role in immunity, explains Dr James Dekker, senior research scientist at Fonterra, in this Q&A with NutraIngredients.

NutraCast Podcast: Michelle Ricker on biohacking

NutraCast Podcast: Michelle Ricker on biohacking

By Danielle Masterson

You’ve likely heard of life hacks, which are tricks or shortcuts that help you be more efficient in life. You may or may not have heard of biohacks. But chances are, you’ve already tried some without even knowing it. You might even be biohacking right...

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Active nutrition and immunity: Getting the right balance

By Nikki Hancocks

Exercise is good for the immune system but, as with anything, balance is key and this is especially the case when it comes to matching the type and level of activity with the right nutrition, as will be expertly explained in NutraIngredients' upcoming...

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Dietitian's view: Vitamin C and immunity

By Nikki Hancocks

Vitamin C supplements are flying off the shelves but is there any truth in claims that this could help in the fight against COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses? Independent dietitian Carrie Ruxton explains all.

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From the editor's desk

Some truths endure, even through the confusions of today

By Hank Schultz

Botanical ingredients have a history of thousands of years of supporting human health. As we enter springtime in the North Hemisphere it's comforting to reflect on the fact that that will still be true even as the current crisis passes.

NutraCast Podcast: Nina Mullen on Hilma's 'clinical herbal' category

NutraCast Podcast: Nina Mullen on Hilma's 'clinical herbal' category

By Danielle Masterson

After looking in her medicine cabinet and finding that the natural options weren’t backed by science and science-backed products weren’t clean label, Nina Mullen and her two co-founders, Hilary Quartner and Lily Galef, came up with the brand Hilma.

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Educational Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health: PART 2

Prescribing diets: Doctors reveal top tips for giving nutrition and lifestyle advice

By Nikki Hancocks

For many medical doctors, the idea of giving nutrition advice to their patients can feel like a minefield, but two health experts who have successfully used diet and lifestyle advice to treat patients with type 2 diabetes have revealed their top tips....

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From the editor's desk

Reason for optimism in supplements market

By Hank Schultz

As the dietary supplement industry enters the century’s third decade there is significant reason to be optimistic about the decade ahead.

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