Markets & trends


The nutra space: Eyes turn to 2017

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn & Shane Starling

Only the seemingly foolish would have predicted 2016 would see the UK vote to leave the EU and Donald Trump win the US presidential election. But in the post-truth era, these are the facts.

Different texture combinations used to market foods in 2016. ©iStock

What will the top texture trends be in 2017?

By Louis Gore-Langton

In 2016 15% of new food products launched in Europe employed themes concerning texture combinations – often on well-established product types such as yoghurt. FoodNavigator looks at some of the strongest product categories riding the texture wave into...

© iStock

Consumers aren’t prepared to join the lab-meat love-in

By David Burrows

This year there’s been a bit of a lab-meat love-in, but are consumers ready to buy into it? I’m not so sure, especially if they can’t divorce the concept from other more controversial technologies like genetic modification.

'We can re-empower ourselves and put ourselves in the driving seat of our own health.' ©iStock/stevanovicigor

Brexit, Trumpism & natural health: de-programming the medical model

By Rob Verkerk PhD

2016 has been a year of incredible change. The world is creaking under the weight of social, political and economic crisis. The ‘establishment’, the liberal left, the ruling elite – call it what you like – has been shaken to its core in ways that few...

GOED: 'Now you will have a fish feed based on the economics of vegetable oils but with the EPA/DHA of the fish meal market.' ©iStock/PhotoShoppin

Global omega-3 supply set for GM plant shock?


The omega-3 sector has faced down some mega challenges in recent times: Sustainability concerns; research questioning health benefits that has affected global markets. But maintaining volumes may be its greatest challenge yet.

A veteran view on HiE 2016

A veteran view on HiE 2016

By Dennis Seisun

Hydrocolloids specialist Dennis Seisun reflects on this year’s Health Ingredients Europe (HiE) expo in Frankfurt, Germany in this guest article.

© iStock / winlyrung

Quality and science still strong for omega-3: GOED’s 2016 review

By Adam Ismail, Executive Director, GOED

Overall 2016 has not been a bad year for the omega-3 industry, but it also has not been a strong year and therefore it still feels like we are having to fight for our right to exist. If anything, it appears like the omega-3 industry, which has grown on...

We seek an agile mind to report on the ever-evolving, ever-important world of nutrition...could it be you? ©iStock/BrianAJackson

NutraIngredients is hiring


Can you break news in multiple formats? Are you comfortable interviewing a CEO or Greenpeace protester, food scientist, politician or legal hound? Do you have the temperament to handle daily deadlines as you work on Europe’s leading nutrition sector publication?...

Collaborations, workshops and continuing outreach: IPA celebrates key achievements

Collaborations, workshops and continuing outreach: IPA celebrates key achievements

By George Paraskevakos, executive director of the International Probiotics Association

In a few months’ time I will be celebrating my two-year anniversary running IPA. Time flies when you are passionate about what you do! From a transition period in 2015 to the significant strides we made in 2016 – we truly are living up to being the Global...

'I see this as kind of like inventing the syringe in a time when people are only using capsules,' says company launching a nicotine-free botanical vape. ©iStock/Goodluz

Vaping: A smoking hot nutrition opp?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The opportunity for ‘vaping’ devices goes far beyond smoking, according to the company launching the nicotine-free botanical AfriVape.

© iStock

Special Edition: Pre & Probiotics

Time is ripe for polyphenols as prebiotics, expert says

By Hank Schultz

Could the idea of prebiotics be extended to include polyphenolic ingredients?  An expert in the field says there is a growing body of evidence to support the notion.

'Personalisation is already being practiced by consumers as individuals in their everyday food choices and it's now evolving to a more technology-based level,' says marketing expert.

P-Fit: Protein market game changer or nice little niche?

By Lynda Searby

Does P-Fit, the personalised protein service launched last month, have the potential to 'disrupt' the category, as one protein expert suggests, or will it settle quietly into a humble but high value niche? NutraIngredients seeks views from the...

© iStock/Marilyena

ScenoProt gives a preview of Northern Europe's protein preferences

By Niamh Michail

Why do Finns give more importance to protein than Swedes? Are Germans more willing to eat an all vegetarian meal than Brits? And among the 13% of Europeans who have tried insects, how many would eat them again? Finland's ScenoProt survey is providing...

415 million people suffer from diabetes globally, with a growing number living with lifestyle & diet-driven type 2 diabetes.

#WorldDiabetesDay #WDD

World Diabetes Day: 1000 actions to help 400+m people

By Shane Starling

Nearly 1000 actions – from screenings to policy statements to conferences and diet and lifestyle change promotion – are underway in 130+ countries as part of World Diabetes Day.

Probiotic supplement growth is outstripping glucosamine, multivitamins, calcium, omega-3s, CoQ10 and protein. ©iStock/kzenon

Probiotic supplements on rise in global €40bn market

By Shane Starling

Latest data from Euromonitor International shows the global probiotics market is worth about €40bn, yoghurt continues to be the dominant mode of delivery although probiotic supplements are growing fastest.

'There is a clear dichotomy between those interested in performance optimisation and health optimisation...' ©iStock/kieferpix

'there is a risk that brands alienate their core consumers'

Sports nutrition 2.0: The category is playing a dangerous game

By Shane Starling

Sports nutrition has long-expanded beyond its hardcore niche to become a global multi-format, multiple demographic, multi-billion euro behemoth – but is everybody winning in the game of sports nutrition 2.0? We asked sector expert Nick Morgan from Sports...

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