
Global nutraceutical ingredient market worth €18.5bn in 2015

Global nutraceutical ingredient market worth €18.5bn in 2015

Demand for nutraceutical ingredients like botanicals, vitamins, minerals and omega-3s will grow 7.2% annually until at least 2015 to be worth €18.5 billion with newer markets like Mexico and South Korea helping drive growth in the sector, according to...

EU gives €3m to genomic modelling project

EU gives €3m to genomic modelling project

By Shane Starling

A €3 million European Union project focused on genomic modelling techniques offers great scope in the nutraceutical area, according to Fluxome, the only nutritional industry partner involved in the project.

Olive oil extract space gains another player

Olive oil extract space gains another player

By Shane Starling

Spanish firm Probeltebio has joined a growing list of players in the olive oil extract space that has been hot ever since olive extract polyphenols won a rare botanical antioxidant health claim from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

Coca-Cola in hot Vitaminwater over claims (again)

Coca-Cola in hot Vitaminwater over claims (again)

By Shane Starling

Vitaminwater, the enhanced water brand Coca-Cola acquired when it paid $4.2bn for New York-based Glaceau in 2007, has come under fire for its claim-making once again, this time in the UK.

DMAA “party pills” blamed for cerebral haemorrhage in NZ man

DMAA “party pills” blamed for cerebral haemorrhage in NZ man

By Shane Starling

Adverse event reports (AERs) are building against the controversial stimulant dimethylamylamine/methylhexaneamine (DMAA/MHA), with a 21-year-old New Zealand man suffering a “cerebral haemorrhage” shortly after ingesting two DMAA-laced “party pills” in...

MEPs back PARNUTS amendments to prompt EU baby milk law reforms

MEPs back PARNUTS amendments to prompt EU baby milk law reforms

By Shane Starling

Pro-breast feeding advocates and Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are throwing their support behind mooted amendments to the European Union PARNUTS Directive they believe can improve the safety, quality and marketing transparency of infant formulas...

Healthy oil components may fight pancreatitis

Healthy oil components may fight pancreatitis

By Nathan Gray

Fatty acids and phytochemicals found in fish oil and olive oil have been shown to block cellular mechanisms involved in the development of acute pancreatitis, say researchers.

Health claims? Who needs ‘em? asks industry guru

Health claims? Who needs ‘em? asks industry guru

By Shane Starling

2012 will bring the greatest changes ever seen to European Union healthy foods and supplements marketing as the long-awaited 2000+-strong health claims register becomes law – but does a rejected health claim really matter?

IPA co-founder: EU probiotic approach is “dirty pool”

Disptaches from Microbiota 2011

IPA co-founder: EU probiotic approach is “dirty pool”

By Shane Starling

Jarrow Rogovin, never a man to mince his words, says it is high time the IPA and other trade groups stepped up to the plate to defend a sector that has been under regulatory siege on both sides of the Atlantic for several years.

Yakult won't be making any claims about battling chest infections in the near future

Yakult: Health claim rejection doesn’t affect our claims

By Shane Starling

Japanese probiotics giant Yakult says the writing into law of its rejected EU health claim for upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) benefits won’t alter its core sell in European markets that remained, “stable”.

Heavyweight comments inform EFSA antioxidant-heart health claim guidance

EFSA health claims guidance

Heavyweight comments inform EFSA antioxidant-heart health claim guidance

By Shane Starling

Input from Nestlé, Kellogg, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, DSM, Unilever, Cargill, Ocean Spray, Kraft, Danone, Health Canada, the University of Milan and 45 other parties has informed fresh EFSA guidance on antioxidant and cardiovascular health claims.

Genomics fires Microbiota 2011 to new heights

Dispatches from Microbiota 2011

Genomics fires Microbiota 2011 to new heights

By Shane Starling in Paris

Mapping the microbiome and the increasing sophistication of gene sequencing and analysis have in just a few years completely changed the research landscape for microbiota, and looks set to answer many to-date unresolved ‘mechanism of action’ questions.

Researchers close in on the ‘black box’ of bacterial vaginosis

Dispatches from Microbiota 2011

Researchers close in on the ‘black box’ of bacterial vaginosis

By Shane Starling in Paris

Dr Jacques Ravel, one the world’s leading vaginal microbia researchers, says revelations about differing ‘community types’ of vaginal bacteria could drastically improve treatments for the common condition, vaginosis.

Big future forecast for pre- and probiotics

Dispatches from Microbiota 2011

Big future forecast for pre- and probiotics

By Shane Starling

The Boston-based Human Microbiome Project is three years into a five-year project that is throwing up revelations about how human microorganisms behave – and its leader predicts a big future for pre- and probiotics.

Black cohosh

UK medicines agency commits to botanicals “crackdown”

By Shane Starling

Borderline botanical products making medicinal or therapeutic claims but not holding appropriate registrations under new European Union laws, are coming under increased scrutiny from the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), which...

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