
Picture Copyright: Volac

UK whey protein market hitting ‘critical mass’ - Volac

By Ben Bouckley

Mark Neville, head of lifestyle ingredients at Volac, told that the UK market for whey protein was hitting “critical mass”, since everyone knew someone who used such ingredients, with word spreading as to their benefits.

Gimme two...(years that is)

Food supplements blamed for Tour de France clenbuterol doping scandal

By Shane Starling

An international court this month fingered food supplements as the most likely source of the banned stimulant clenbuterol in the blood of 2010 Tour de France winner, Alberto Contador, even as a leading European testing service says it has never encountered...

Public health role for food industry

Public health role for food industry

By Rick Pendrous

The food industry must get much more closely involved in public health issues if we are to deal with the problems of obesity the nation faces, the co-chair of the government’s food Public Health Responsibility Deal (PHRD) Network has argued.

EFSA sets recommended EU protein intakes at 0.8g/kg per day

EFSA sets recommended EU protein intakes at 0.8g/kg per day

By Shane Starling

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published population reference intakes (PRIs) for protein, the latest stage of its work on dietary reference values (DRVs), with a particular focus on levels needed during pregnancy and childhood.

GAIN ups micronutrient fight against global malnutrition

Dispatches from Feeding the World

GAIN ups micronutrient fight against global malnutrition

By Shane Starling in Geneva

Ten years ago the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) was established to fight rampant malnutrition in the developing world via micronutrient fortification programmes. But for a long time, it struggled to effect change in the face of logistical,...

Friesland Campina's Sarah Staley said the number of GOS-related new products soared from an estimated 100 in 2005 to 1,300 last year

Asia-Pacific drives big growth in GOS prebiotics

By Rod Addy

Rapid growth in prebiotic galactooligosaccharides (GOS) has been driven by the expanding middle class in the Asia-Pacific region, according to Sarah Staley, vice president, business development at Friesland Campina

Cocoa can be the new cranberry, says food marketing guru

Cocoa can be the new cranberry, says food marketing guru

By Shane Starling

Cocoa and its extracts have the potential to rival the success of cranberries as healthful powerhouses, especially if a recently applied for European Union health claim is approved this year, says a leading consultant and author.

Friend of the Sea pushing omega-3 sustainability

Friend of the Sea pushing omega-3 sustainability

Friend of the Sea (FOS), the non-government organisation that certifies wild and farmed seafood, is backing the marine-sourced omega-3 supply with a commitment to publicise supplier efforts that meet its criteria.

Health claims register enters European Parliament as veto calls rise

Health claims register enters European Parliament as veto calls rise

By Shane Starling

Paola Testori Coggi, the director general of the EC’s Health and Consumer Health Directorate (DG Sanco), yesterday presented a health claims register containing 222 approvals and about 2000 rejections to a European Parliament (EP) committee, as lobbying...

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