
Photo credit: The Golden Rice Project

GM golden rice: Tables turn on Greenpeace

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

A dissident Greenpeace founding member claims the environmentalist group has become “a force for evil” in its campaigns against GM golden rice.

Local sporting cultures influence consumer preferences across the global protein and non-protein markets, says Euromonitor


Protein still sports nutrition king, but watch out

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

Protein is still the bedrock of sports nutrition says Euromonitor, but non-protein products are expected to grow faster in several important global markets like Australia, Canada and Indonesia.

Whey powder

Operational Efficiency Month

Valio factory rises to whey demand

By Rachel Arthur

Valio’s whey powder production plant in Finland has increased its production by more than 10% with its Napcon Suite from Neste Jacobs.

Jarrow Rogovin calls for probiotics groups to come together to build science and win claims

Live from Probiota 2014

IPA calls for fresh global alliance in probiotics

By Shane Starling in Amsterdam

The founder of the International Probiotics Association (IPA) has called on the Global Alliance for Probiotics (GAP) to work with it to develop the science and dossiers that can win health claims in Europe and elsewhere.

Raisio: “This is an important acknowledgement and will be used to get the message out.”

EU heart health group backs sterols-stanols


Two grams of plant sterols or plant stanols per day in functional foods can help manage cholesterol for those with moderate heart disease risk and who are taking statin drugs, the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) has said.

DSM applies for DHA omega-3 brain health claim

EU health claim submissions

DSM applies for DHA omega-3 brain health claim

By Shane Starling

DSM Nutritional Products (DNP) has applied for an article 14 claim linking omega-3 and brain function under the European Union nutrition and health claims regulation (NHCR).

ICD said WHO is, “tending towards pulling back from collaboration with major food companies”.

When you say NGO, they say conflict of interest?

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

The World Health Organisation (WHO) decision to grant NGO status to a malnutrition-battling business alliance raised eyebrows this week, so what do organisations have to do to gain and keep such a status?

Global tea polyphenols market set to hit $368 million by 2020

Special edition: Polyphenols

Global tea polyphenols market set to hit $368 million by 2020

By Hank Schultz

Tea polyphenols are poised to enjoy strong growth over the next decade, with a new market report calling for the global market in the ingredients to hit $368 million by 2020.  That makes sense to observers, who say the popularity of tea, green tea in...

Polyphenols are featuring more on products but claims are limited

Special edition: Polyphenols

Polyphenol use rises 69% in 5 years (but do people get it?)

By Shane Starling

Polyphenol use in functional food and drink marketing has shot up 69% since 2009 even as consumer understanding remains low and approved global health claims extremely limited. But can it continue?

UK herbal medicines body reappoints board

UK herbal medicines body reappoints board

The UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has reappointed members to its Herbal Medicines Advisory Committee (HMAC) that advises on matters including the EU Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive (THMPD).

GM omega-3? UK could see GM 'fish oil' trial this year

GM omega-3? UK could see GM 'fish oil' trial this year

By Nathan Gray

Rothamsted Research has submitted an application to the UK government requesting permission to carry out a field trial for genetically modified plants that are rich in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids.

Chia was among the fastest growing ancient grain in the first half of 2013 across Western Europe, according to Innova Market Insights

Bakery top category for ancient grain boom

The use of ancient grains in new products continues to boom in Western Europe, and the top category last year was bakery, according to Innova Market Insights.

Professor Gregor Reid will chair Probiota 2014 in Amsterdam on February 4-5. Expect to be challenged...

“I get personal because they [EFSA] get personal to me"

Fed up: Probiotic research veteran issues global call to action

Veteran probiotic researcher professor Gregor Reid is not a happy man. It’s time the probiotic community fought back against those forces that have for too long denied a perfectly valid body of nutrition science in the form of commercial claims. It’s...

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