
Appraised: 12 months in the life of the world’s toughest health claims regime

“The impact of this longer-term erosion of the relationship with consumers will be profound.”

Appraised: 12 months in the life of the world’s toughest health claims regime


Widely despised and foreseen as an innovation crusher and healthy foods/supplements market wet blanket, we asked how life under the controversial EU nutrition and health claims regulation (NHCR) is panning out.

Probiota 2014: The ultimate pre- and probiotic science-business blend

Probiota 2014, February 4-5, Amsterdam

Probiota 2014: The ultimate pre- and probiotic science-business blend


Probiota 2014 – relocated from Brussels to Amsterdam and organised by NutraIngredients – will bring together the finest scientific and commercial minds operating in the pre- and probiotic sector in a 2-day, 2-stream event.

Bonkers: The medical world's nutrition blinkers (and the damage done)

Bonkers: The medical world's nutrition blinkers (and the damage done)


If the end goal of both the medical and nutritional fraternities is healthier, happier populations, it is difficult not to pour scorn on the latest work from the American College of Physicians (ACP) for slapping another clumsy brick into a dodgy, medically-biased...

Neptune, Aker end patent struggles with licensure agreement

Neptune, Aker end patent struggles with licensure agreement

By Hank Schultz

Some things have seemed immutable: Death. Taxes. The Krill Wars. But the latter has (mostly) fallen off that list with the announcement this morning that fierce competitors Neptune Technologies & Bioressources and Aker BioMarine have reached an 11th-hour...

UK industry joins condemnation of US vitamin research

"These are food products. We have never suggested our products are medicines..."

UK industry joins condemnation of US vitamin research

By Shane Starling

The UK food supplements industry has joined its US counterparts in condemning Annals of Internal Medicine research that concluded vitamins are useless and even harmful in some cases.

One vitamin to rule them all? Gollum’s D deficiency dilemma

One vitamin to rule them all? Gollum’s D deficiency dilemma


It wasn’t just crafty hobbits that enabled the dark forces of Middle Earth to be defeated in science fantasy godfather JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings – they were also vitamin D deficient, scientists have discovered.

BRIC markets dominate health and wellness dairy

BRIC healthy dairy boom blooms; Europe down but not doomed


Brazil, Russia, India, China – as well as Mexico – are the fastest growing markets for functional dairy products, according to a Euromonitor International presentation given last week at the Healthy and Functional Dairy event.

What is the functional food magic number? Why, 0.84 of course…

What is the functional food magic number? Why, 0.84 of course…

By Diana Cowland

At what point are consumers prepared to purchase fortified or functional foods and drinks? That’d be 0.84 according to the fortified/functional (FF) curve. Say what?...Euromonitor International analyst Diana Cowland explains why traditional markets remain...

Nutroganics signs deal to bring South African sports products to US

Nutroganics signs deal to bring South African sports products to US

By Hank Schultz

In another development in the super-heated sports nutrition space, Nutroganics, a firm that specializes in acquiring healthy lifestyle businesses, has signed a deal with South African firm Ultimate Sports Nutrition  to bring USN products to the US market.

Belgian appeals court dismisses previous suit against Herbalife

Court overturns Herbalife pyramid case

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

Supplements giant Herbalife has won an appeal against a verdict back in 2011 which tarred the firm's recruitment and selling structure as a pyramid scheme. 

Protein overtaking probiotic claims in yogurt market

Protein overtaking probiotic claims in yogurt market

By Nathan Gray

The trend for high-protein products is gathering pace globally, with more than 10% of new launches using protein claims, as a softer approach to health moves the industry away from probiotic claims, according to data from Innova Market Insights.

Probiota 2012 probiotic conference extends poster deadline

Poster deadline extended by one week to December 13

Probiota 2014: Poster proposal deadline extended

By Nathan Gray

Probiota 2014 – the leading conference bridging the interface of academia and industry for cutting edge science about the prebiotics, probiotics and the microbiome – has extended the call for proposals for its poster sessions by one week to Friday 13th...

Beneo chief talks innovation in global nutrition

Dispatches from #FIE2013

Can an ingredients giant be a true innovator? Yes we can, says Beneo chief


Beneo CEO Matthias Moser, PhD, shares his vision of how a European ingredients giant stays ahead of the innovation curve, built on a bedrock of age-specific nutrient solutions – even if rising obesity and diabetes rates suggest there remains much work...

Arsenal FC nutritionist: ‘Food supplements have a big part to play.’

Dispatches from #FIE2013

Arsenal FC nutritionist: ‘Food supplements have a big part to play.’


James Collins, bespoke nutritionist at Arsenal Football Club and with other elite athletes, says food supplements and sports nutrition products are highly important to top athletes - so important their use is now near-on ubiquitous.   

RCT data backs supplement for joint pain benefits

RCT data backs supplement for joint pain benefits

By Nathan Gray

A commercial dietary supplement marketed for joint pain has been backed to alleviate joint pain severity and reduce dificulties in performing day to day tasks, according to a new study.

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