
FSA stands by Quorn

FSA stands by Quorn

Britain's Food Standards Agency (FSA) has issued a statement
rejecting claims by an American organisation that the mycoprotein
Quorn is unsafe. The organisation says that it should remain on

Aarhus first half stable

Aarhus first half stable

Danish oils and fats company Aarhus Oliefabrik reported a drop in
operating income to DKK93m (€12.5m) for the first six months of
2002, down from DKK 125m (€16.8m) for the same period last year,
but still saw a slight improvement...

Shaklee stress-reliever

Shaklee stress-reliever

Shaklee Corporation has introduced Stress Relief Complex, a dietary
supplement claimed to help provide prompt and effective relief from
everyday stress, without causing drowsiness.

Marijuana drug hits new highs

Marijuana drug hits new highs

US researchers are developing a marijuana-derived synthetic
compound to relieve pain and inflammation without the mood-altering
side-effects associated with other marijuana-based drugs.
Scientists believe that the drug could eventually...

Honey to beat cholesterol

Honey to beat cholesterol

Honey contains similar levels of antioxidants as broccoli, and a
range of antioxidants comparable to that found in apples, bananas,
oranges and strawberries, according to research presented at the
national meeting of the American...

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