
Antioxidants and genes

Antioxidants and genes

Scientists at the University of Southampton in the UK have received
funding to study whether genes can influence the benefits gained by
some people from dietary antioxidants. The team is hoping to find
out why some people benefit...

Duped by echinacea?

Duped by echinacea?

Echinacea, currently one of the most popular herbal remedies in
Europe, taken to treat the common cold, had no effect when tested
on a small group of students with colds, report researchers in the

Challenges ahead for Cognis

Challenges ahead for Cognis

Speciality chemicals group Cognis reported sales for the first nine
months of the year on a level with last year's figure, rising by a
mere 1 per cent to €2,408 million. A better-than-average
performance came from the nutrition...

Supplement to boost memory?

Supplement to boost memory?

Researchers at Oregon Health Science University and the National
College of Naturopathic Medicine in the US are launching a clinical
trial to determine whether a dietary supplement, derived from
Bacopa monniera or Brahmi, a plant...

The future is orange

The future is orange

Dark orange is better than paler, more neutral tones - at least,
when referring to carrot colour, according to researchers studying
the levels of beta-carotene in fruit and vegetables. The more
orange pigment, an important source...

Modern diet blamed for acne

Modern diet blamed for acne

Eating too much refined bread and cereal may be at the root of the
teenage acne suffered by almost all adolescents in the developed
world, according to a report in this month's New Scientist
which reveals new US research.

Go-ahead for mince pies

Go-ahead for mince pies

British consumers can tuck in to mince pies and Christmas cake
without worrying about the quality of the dried fruit ingredients,
according to a survey by the UK's Food Standards Agency.

Kava update

Kava update

A new report presents the cases of two people who experienced liver
failure after taking supplements containing the kava herb. While
the report does not provide conclusive evidence of the herb's link
to liver poisoning, it stresses...

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