Regulation & policy

Consultant: Walnut positive health claim opinion is “astonishing”

Consultant: Walnut positive health claim opinion is “astonishing”

By Shane Starling

Friday’s fourth batch of article 13 general function health claims highlighted inconsistencies in the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) approach, according to Joerg Gruenwald, PhD, the president of German health claims consultancy and CRO, Analyze...

Nutrient replacement has won several positive opinions in the fourth batch of EFSA general function health claim opinions

EFSA health claim opinions - article 13, batch 4

Complete EFSA health claim batch 4 breakdown: Winners and losers

By Shane Starling

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on Friday continued its high rejection rate as it produced the fourth batch of article 13 general function health claims under the 2006 nutrition and health claims regulation (NHCR).

EFSA has now completed 80% of article 13 general function health claims

EFSA health claim opinions - article 13, batch 4

EFSA issues batch four of article 13 health claims

By Shane Starling

The European Food Safety Authority’s health claims panel this morning issued 442 fresh article 13 general function health claim opinions, causing a run on its site that crashed it for many minutes.

MEPs have authorised a DHA-eye health claim for infants

MEPs authorise omega-3 infant eye health claim

By Shane Starling

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have today narrowly rejected a motion to prohibit a European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and European Commission (EC)-approved DHA omega-3 eye health claim on breast milk substitute products.

Scientists during tasting session

Unilever serves warning on novel foods failure

By Rod Addy

Research and development (R&D) champion Unilever has voiced deep disappointment and frustration over the collapse of talks reviewing the 1997 EU Novel Foods Regulation, claiming it will hamper food and drink manufacturers' innovation plans.

The European Parliament in Strasbourg, France

'Eye' or 'nay': For or against the DHA infant eye claim?

By Shane Starling

Just as with the 2006 nutrition and health claim regulation (NHCR) itself, next week's European Parliament (EP) vote on whether to allow products aimed at 6-12 month old infants to bear omega-3 DHA-related eye development claims promises to be highly...

Mount Fiji in Japan

EU boosts food import controls after Japanese nuclear disaster

By Rory Harrington

The European Union is to step up controls on food imports from Japan in the wake of the nuclear accident at Fukushima – but stressed there was no evidence that consumers in the region were at risk from radiation-contaminated food.

Purveyors of substandard raw materials will be

China tightens raw materials laws for supplements makers

By Shane Starling

Dietary supplement manufacturers operating in China will have to do more to guarantee the quality of their supply chains, after Chinese authorities imposed new quality control regulations last week.

Will Australia and New Zealand join Europe, Canada and the US by authorising hemp foods?

Australia ponders legalising hemp foods

By Shane Starling

Australian regulators are considering allowing non-psychoactive versions of fatty acid and nutrient-rich hemp into the food supply and have opened a public consultation on the matter.

EFSA health claims panellist edits probiotic claims book

EFSA health claims panellist edits probiotic claims book

By Shane Starling

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) health claim panellist, professor Seppo Salminen, has co-edited a book investigating probiotic science and health claims, with a focus on regional differences.

ASA attacked over CAM health claim expertise

ASA attacked over CAM health claim expertise

By Shane Starling

The UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) does not have the scientific know-how to deliver health claim marketing verdicts in the botanicals area, according to a natural health lobby group.

Health claims chief: “There are no ‘minority opinions’”

Health claims chief: “There are no ‘minority opinions’”

By Shane Starling in Brussels

Dr Juliane Kleiner, the unit head of EFSA’s Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA), told a Nutrition and Lifestyle conference in Brussels today that all Panel health claim opinions were reached by consensus, with no ‘minority opinions’...

Gut health academics will express their negative opinion of the NHCR to MEPs and local MPs in coming weeks

Probiotic academics turn up political health claim heat

By Shane Starling

A recently established group of global gut health academics is sending letters to Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) as well as national government politicians as the group attempts to alter the application of a regulation it says is, “killing...

Bakewell Tart and breast milk ice cream anyone?

FSA goes Gaga over breast milk ice cream...

By Ben Bouckley

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) is investigating whether a controversial ice cream made with donated breast milk, and sold in a London restaurant, breaches food safety regulations.

Complaint on Healthspan supplements claims not upheld: ASA

Complaint on Healthspan supplements claims not upheld: ASA

By Jess Halliday

Claim-related complaints about product adverts and brand names of UK mail order supplements firm Healthspan have not been upheld by the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA), as the catalogue contains a disclaimer stating they are not intended to treat,...

EFSA rejects claim linking calcium-fortified juices and tooth demineralisation


EFSA rejects health claims for fruit juice, water

By Shane Starling

The European Food Safety Authority health claims panel has turned in two negative opinions for separate claims that sought to link calcium-fortified fruit juice and tooth demineralisation; and water consumption and dehydration.

Lipid Nutrition withdraws Oz/NZ CLA Novel Foods application

Lipid Nutrition withdraws Oz/NZ CLA Novel Foods application

By Shane Starling

Dutch-based Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) player, Lipid Nutrition, has withdrawn its CLA Novel Foods application in Australia and New Zealand due to the two countries’ policy to reduce all trans fatty acids (TFAs) in the diet.

The ANH wants to see the THMPD in court over the treatment of herbal products in the EU

NGO set to file THMPD legal challenge by end of March

By Ben Bouckley

Non-governmental organisation ANH-International is set to file its legal challenge to the controversial Traditional Herbal Medicines Product Directive (THMPD) at the High Court in London by the end of March, has learnt.

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