EFSA ‘stop-the-clock’ helps French firm modify brown algae health claim

French start-up Algues et Mer has modified an article 13.5 claim proprietary and emerging science weight management health claim for a brown algae extract, InSea2, and withdrawn another, following dialogue with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

The company’s nutraceutical project manager, Alexis Lesebvre, said the stop-the-clock dialogue clarified the agency’s position on post-prandial glycaemia responses.

It therefore changed the claim from, “Helps maintain normal activity of post-prandial glycaemic regulation mechanism” to, “Helps reduce post-prandial glycaemic responses”

It withdrew the claim: “Helps improve insulin sensitivity”

Lesebvre said the company was confident because EFSA’s health claims panel had not raised any issues about the contents of the dossiers central clinical tria.

A verdict on the article 13.5 dossier is expected in May this year.