Regulation & policy

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Archive Article of the Week

Time to change vitamin D guidelines?

By David Anderson

New research suggesting vitamin D3 is twice as effective as vitamin should turn current guidance ‘on its head’, say those behind the study.


archive article of the week

Sports nutrition growth spoiled by ‘wrong and immoral’ marketing

By David Anderson

The global sports nutrition industry is forecast to leap in size from $28bn in 2016 to $45bn in 2022 but the industry believes its growth is being stymied in Europe by restrictive regulation while critics argue the industry is still undermined by some...

Experts wanted: EFSA calls for new NDA Panel members

Experts wanted: EFSA calls for new NDA Panel members

By Nathan Gray

The European Food Safety Authority has opened applications for its next Scientific Panel on Nutrition, Novel Food and Food Allergens (NDA) – which is tasked with setting dietary reference values and authorising and rejecting health claims dossiers.

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One in three adolescents is obese, say WHO

By Emma Jane Cash

Health promotion campaigns are failing to reduce obesity in adolescents, according to a report published by World Health Organization (WHO) today.


What's on the label isn't always what's in the product

Do commercial probiotics need better quality controls?

By Nathan Gray

Probiotic products should have a more stringent quality control process with processes that ensure contents match what is on the label, warns a new position paper.

MEPs last week said they were “convinced the authority should be endowed with a sufficient budget to hire independent in-house experts with no conflicts of interest”. ©iStock

Analysis: Can EFSA ever cut ties with industry?

By David Burrows

The consultation for a new policy on independence at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) draws to a close this week and campaigners have told FoodNavigator that the final document won’t be worth the paper it’s written on

MEPs also decided to end the practice whereby consumers cannot access a foreign website but are directed to a website in their own country. ©iStock/scyther5

MEPs vote to end cross-border bias in online shopping

By Will Chu

Shopping for specialty foods could become easier after an EU committee voted to lift restrictions preventing retailers from selling products online to consumers living in another member state.

EFSA consults on riboflavin draft opinion

EFSA consults on riboflavin draft opinion

By Nathan Gray

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has launched a public consultation on its draft scientific opinion on dietary reference values for riboflavin (vitamin B2).

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