Regulation & policy

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Sports nutrition regulation has improved but is still uncertain: ESSNA

By Emma Jane Cash

Regulation for sports nutrition has had a long and winding road over the last decade but there are still issues that need addressing, says European Specialist Sports Nutrition Alliance (ESSNA) vice-chair Stuart Shotton ahead of his talk at Vitafoods 2017...

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What should EFSA do to improve the NHCR?

By Emma Jane Cash

The aims of health claims are to encourage fair competition, prevent the public from being mislead and to promote innovation, but more and more companies are being put off by the application process. What needs to change?

Parliament failed to reach the required majority, leaving the decision in the hands of the commission  ©iStock

MEPs oppose GM approvals but Commission will have the final say

By Louis Gore-Langton

EU member states yesterday voted against the introduction and renewal of GM grains in Europe but failed to reach a binding majority, leaving the president of the Commission Jean-Claude Juncker to make the final decision.

MEPs call on EU to create food quality agency

MEPs call on EU to create food quality agency

By Louis Gore-Langton

Food products sold under the same label continually show inconsistent standards of quality, particularly in Eastern Europe, prompting calls for a new regulatory body in the EU.

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EU Commission revises “outdated” medical device regulation

By Emma Jane Cash

The EU Commission has released the revised regulations for the marketing of medical devices, simplifying the confusing between food and medical device, after outlining the changes - including post-market surveillance and increased traceability - back...

EFSA rejects Stablor fat reduction health claim

EFSA rejects Stablor fat reduction health claim

By Eliot Beer

French firm LNC has failed in its bid to gain an approved health claim for its medical weight loss drink Stablor, with EFSA critiquing one human clinical trial, and rejecting LNC’s other evidence.


PureCircle cleared of 'forced prison labour' accusations

By John Reynolds

Stevia maker PureCircle today (Tuesday) said it would “leave all the options open” as to whether it would seek compensation after it was “cleared” following a dispute with the US authorities over whether stevia imported from China was produced by forced...

Calcium plus vitamin D could save European healthcare nearly €4 billion

Supplementation for over 55s offers significant healthcare savings

Calcium plus vitamin D could save European healthcare nearly €4 billion

By Nathan Gray

Fortification or supplementation programmes to increase levels of calcium and vitamin D could prevent almost 200,000 fractures per year in Europe – saving €3.96 billion in avoidable healthcare costs.

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