Regulation & policy

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Unfair trade case filed at ITC over BHB patent

By Hank Schultz

An unfair trade case has been filed before the International Trade Commission over beta hydroxybutyrate (BHB), a popular ingredient in sports nutrition and weight management.



MHRA provides update to IV nutrition supply issue

By Will Chu

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has stepped in to ensure the safety of patients using total parenteral nutrition (TPN) bags supplied by Calea UK.

©Olimp Laboratories


Soy protein supplement recalled over undeclared dairy

By Will Chu

Belgium’s Federal Agency for Food Chain Safety (AFSCA) warns those allergic to dairy to avoid a soy protein supplement after authorities identify milk as a non-listed allergen ingredient.

iStock |  Ivanko_Brnjakovic

Baby food nutrition slammed in government report

By Nikki Cutler

Commercial baby foods have been denounced in a new report from Public Health England for encouraging high sugar intake in infants, misleading parents with health claims and setting children up for potential diet-related issues throughout their life.


Synthetic chili pepper extract gets EFSA approval

By Will Chu

The European Food and Safety Authority (EFSA) finds no safety concerns with the Novel Food (NF) phenylcapsaicin, a synthetic chemical compound of the chili pepper extract capsaicin.

©gettyimages / Helmut Feil

Children ‘exceed’ acceptable daily intake of phosphates, EFSA finds

By Katy Askew

A new opinion published by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has concluded that some population groups – particularly infants, children and adolescents – have too many phosphates in their diets. The opinion calls for a maximum level of phosphates...

© Getty Images / MysteryShot

From the editor's desk

Rapidly diversifying CBD realm will cleave along quality lines

By Hank Schultz

Lessons learned from the history of the dietary supplement industry can be applied to the hemp world, and the blitzkrieg-like pace of the industry means we’ll know in short order who’s getting the message and who isn’t. It will also put pressure on regulators...

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