Regulation & policy

Global coverage of food fortification of wheat flour (often used as vehicles for iron). Filling in the map on food fortification could eliminate hidden hunger affecting 2 billion.©GFDx

Data visualisation tool translates policy into action

By Will Chu

Translating policy into action to improve nutrition is proving a struggle for some countries, according to new data, which clarify gaps in food fortification coverage as well as availability and intake.


Forget the backstop - what about the supplements?!

Brexit confusion: How will sports nutrition be impacted?

By Nathan Gray

With Brexit looming ever closer, our latest video diary takes a look at how experts at our European Sports Nutrition Congress think the process might go - and where the category, and wider industry, may end up in a post-Brexit world.

© Getty Images / image_jungle

Guest article

‘Under Siege’: A year of reflection and next level growth

By George Paraskevakos, Executive Director, International Probiotics Association (IPA)

As I celebrated three years at IPA in April, I couldn’t help but reflect on the shape the industry has taken. Going from being sparingly mentioned in the press and fast forward to today and it is almost every other week we see probiotics in the headlines....


WATCH: Navigating sports nutrition's biggest regulatory hurdles

By Will Chu

Sports nutrition remains one of the most innovative and forward thinking sectors in the food and nutrition industry. However, like all new sectors, the speed of new products coming to market threaten to overtake legislation designed to maintain standards....

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