Regulation & policy

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Vascepa’s label expansion could boost supplement realm

By Hank Schultz

An expert panel has recommended an expanded treatment envelope for the EPA drug Vascepa. An expert says the move won’t affect the supplement market directly but does add to recent official recognition of the health benefits of omega-3s.

Health and nutrition claims are highly regulated in the EU - but is a decade old regulation still fit for purpose? ©GettyImages-Goran13

Guest article

Where do we stand on nutrition and health claims?

By Katia Merten-Lentz and Manon Ombredane, legal experts at Keller and Heckman

How have the current EU regulations on health and nutrition claims evolved and where are they likely to go? Katia Merten-Lentz and Manon Ombredane, legal experts at law firm Keller and Heckman, weigh in.

istock | cascoly

Krill fishery reports reveal eco-efforts a success

By Nikki Hancocks

Krill harvester Aker BioMarine has received an A-rating for its fishery sustainability for the fifth year running, only days after an international report found more krill in its fisheries than in 2000.

Sell-out: Leading experts in the industry take part in the closing 'Big Debate' at Probiota 2019.

Early Bird Deadline Is Tonight

Don't Miss Out: Probiota 2020 early bird tickets end today!

By Nathan Gray

After its sell-out 2019 edition in Copenhagen, Probiota will be heading to Dublin in February 2020. Check out the key themes and outline agenda for the leading probiotic, prebiotic and microbiome event … and register now for the three-day festival of...

Slovakia softens regulatory stance on CBD supplement use


Slovakia softens regulatory stance on CBD supplement use

By Will Chu

Slovakia looks to have eased its stance on cannabidiol (CBD) use as the country’s government deletes it from a list of psychotropic ingredients, essentially classing CBD as a non-regulated substance.

©iStock/Tuan Azizi

Does Europe’s supplements sector have a QC problem?

By Shane Starling

Europe’s food supplement sector makes some of the world’s best, but QC issues around stability and blends threaten its standing, with only 10% of finished products bothering to conduct end-product stability testing, according to an industry player.


Nicotinamide riboside ruled safe as vit B3 source

By Will Chu

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) confirms nicotinamide riboside (NR) chloride’s safety in its latest scientific opinion, additionally vouching for this Novel Food’s (NF) profile as a reliable niacin (vitamin B3) source.

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