Markets & trends

istock | Gajus

Big innovations of 2019: A look back at the trend-setting startups

By Nikki Hancocks

NutraIngredients has spoken to a startup founder every week this year to keep our readers up to date with the newest innovations on the market. As the year comes to a close, we take a look back at some of the most trend-setting startups of 2019.

Atlas Biomed test kits

Editor's Spotlight: Startup Focus

Startup 'gamifies' gut health with diet app aimed at long-term change

By Nikki Hancocks

A personalised nutrition startup offering the holistic benefits of both DNA and microbiome tests has revealed a dieting app to work in tandem with microbiome tests in an aim to 'gamify' gut healthy dieting and create long term changes to health.

LAST CHANCE! Calling all probiotic, prebiotic and microbiome focused researchers

Probiota Frontiers sessions deadline is today!

LAST CHANCE! Calling all probiotic, prebiotic and microbiome focused researchers

By Nathan Gray

Are you a researcher with compelling new data on the microbiome? Do you have exciting probiotic or prebiotic science to share? Would you like to present your findings at the leading microbiome-focused event? If so, today is the last day to submit your...

FoodNavigator to co-host the inaugural Global CBD Summit

Demystifying hemp and cannabidiol: Introducing the CBD Global Summit

By Katy Askew

CBD has caught the public's imagination as an ingredient offering a host of potential health benefits. But for all the hype, CBD also courts controversy. To move from a trending ingredient to an ingredient trend, the sector will need to address some...


WATCH NOW: Gates Foundation funded study develops ‘unique nutrient-delivery system’

Fighting malnutrition: Could new nutrient delivery strategy help billions of people?

By Nathan Gray

A unique new nutrient delivery system, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, could help billions of people suffering from malnutrition by improving the way iron and vitamin A are fortified into foods, say those behind the project.

Woman eating cereal

Global survey reveals shoppers' probiotic perceptions

By Nikki Hancocks

Shoppers believe probiotics provide great health benefits and they want to consume them through food and drink beyond the refrigerator aisle, according to a new survey of more than 11,000 consumers across the world.

Chicory root is the raw material for inulin, one of the most popular prebiotic ingredients.  Getty Images.

Prebiotics group concurs with $5.5 billion figure on global market

By Hank Schultz

Growing consumer awareness along with demand in animal nutrition is driving the overall growth of prebiotics, which a trade group says will account for $5.5 billion in sales in 2019. Better messaging can help maintain that momentum, the group says.

Getty |  Pornpak Khunatorn

VIDEO: GP on a mission to boost nutrition training

By Nikki Hancocks

GPs are facing burn-out as they lack the nutrition education to help their patients avoid preventable diseases, according to a doctor on a mission to bring the concept of ‘culinary medicine’ to the medical profession globally.


Pre-workouts focus: Top trends and opportunities

By Nikki Hancocks

As pre-workout supplements strip off their male-vibe and muscle in on the 'general' market, Lumina Intelligence takes a look at the big consumer trends in this sub-category of sports nutrition and reveals some big growth opportunities.

© Getty Images / GeorgeRudy

Insights from Lumina Intelligence

Sports Nutrition – key trends for 2020

By Shane Starling

The mainstreaming of sports nutrition backed by the ever-rising importance of online reviews and ratings and social media validation, are key findings from a 6-pack of sports nutrition sub-sector reports published by Lumina Intelligence.

Robert Walker

The big dog: Sci-MX boss in the hot seat

By Nikki Hancocks

We get up close and personal with Robert Walker, CEO of Sci-MX (owned by Samworth Brothers), to discover what lead him to become the boss of a leading sports nutrition brand and hear his insights into the industry he has lived and breathed for nearly...

We want you: Probiota launches Pioneers and Frontiers sessions for Dublin 2020

Calling all probiotic, prebiotic and microbiome focused start-ups and researchers: Apply now!

We want you: Probiota launches Pioneers and Frontiers sessions for Dublin 2020

By Nathan Gray

Are you an innovative start-up, or a researcher with compelling new data? Would you like to present your company or latest scientific findings at the leading microbiome-focused event? If so, we would like to hear from you!

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