Functional Beverage

'EFSA's opinion backs the idea that health claims are sufficient to regulate foods for sports people under general food law,' says consultant

EFSA report suggests sports food is normal food

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published a key opinion on sports foods, which some say backs the idea that sports food should be considered ‘normal’ not specialist.

Peptan collagen shows skin health benefits from within

Peptan collagen shows skin health benefits from within

By Stephen Daniells

Oral supplementation with collagen peptides may boost skin hydration by almost 30%, according to data from two double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trials on Asian and Caucasian women with different skin types.

UNESDA: “In the past national rules have made it difficult to commercialise a single sports drinks formula across the whole of the EU and this should be guarded against.”

Calls mount to evolve EU sports foods regulations


European food bodies have reiterated calls to better regulate the sports food, drink and supplement category to ease uncertainty and inconsistency across the EU’s 28 member states – and boost innovation.

Sweden to inform future children's nutrition policy with 3,000-strong survey

Sweden to take 2-day snapshot of kids’ diets

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The Swedish Food Authority (NFA) will look at what 3,000 children eat and drink over two days as part of a study into the diets of the country's youth. 

Private label nutrition equal to national brands

Private label nutrition equal to national brands

By Niamh Michail

There are no major differences in nutritional content between private labels, national brands and hard discount goods – although private labels come out top for nutrition labelling, according to a French government study.

“Springwave will be sold in July, exclusively in Paris and in several hotels and SPA of ACCOR group.”

“Our aim with this cooperation is to get food products made with ‘algility’ microalgae into consumers’ hands faster.”

Roquette boosts algae project with beverage partner


French supplier Roquette has inked a deal with a food and beverage innovator it met at the SIAL food industry trade show last year to develop products for its nascent chlorella microalgae offerings.Fellow French firm Algama won an award for innovation...

'Allergies in childhood can be the first step of an allergic cascade leading to multiple allergies later in life,' says Nestlé

patent watch

Nestlé files patent for pregnancy probiotic

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Nestlé has filed a patent for probiotics to be taken during pregnancy and lactation, which it says help reduce the risk of allergies for the infant. 

Energy drinks ride out tough economic times

By Niamh Michail

Different flavours, artificial caffeine alternatives and a place in everyday life give energy drinks the staying power to survive the recession, says a Canadean report.

'Value has been torn out of the UK milk market in recent years, as a result of the grocery retailer price wars': Mintel

How food industry can boost milk’s value: fortify it

By Michael Stones

Fortified milk could help to boost the value of milk sales, despite supermarket price war slashing the price of the white stuff to as little as 89p for a four pint bottle, according to new research from market research organisation Mintel.

Ambitious: But are True Start claims going too far for the NHCR?

Lawyer: EU’s on-hold caffeine claims are usable


Five caffeine health claims approved by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) but not yet EU-approved as industry, consumer and government stakeholders debate concerns, are in use anyway.


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