
A government report last month warned about the

Whose job is it to police illegal health claims?

By Niamh Michail

With different bodies referring illegal health claims to one another for policing, NutraIngredients asks:  Whose responsibility is it to ensure health claim compliance – and does it matter as long as illegal claims are removed?

Japanese researchers tip dietary fibre made from guar beans for satiety.

Could guar gum help satiety?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Guar gum could hold potential for both short and long term control of appetite, say Japanese researchers.

Belgium affirms BELFRIT as basis of herbal law and wants other EU member states to follow suit

Belgium writes BELFRIT botanical list into law

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Belgium has notified the European Commission of a draft decree replacing its current lists of botanicals with those approved under BELFRIT – bringing the number of plants from about 645 to 1019 and adding many new maximum levels and mandatory warnings.

IPA Europe is focused on winning EU probiotic health claims

“The new EC has spoken of better regulation and growth so we trust them to consider our position and argumentation."

IPA gathers forces in Brussels; seeks EC ear


The just-formed European iteration of the International Probiotics Association (IPA) has met for the first time at its new Brussels base with Danone, Dupont-Danisco, Chr Hansen, Yakult, Probi and Lallemand all in attendance.

Protein World claim making has been deemed unauthorised under EU law & heavily censored by the ASA

UK blows whistle on sports supplement claims


The UK advertising watchdog has muzzled meal replacement, muscle building, metabolism, L-carnitine, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) and other claims being made by a UK based online manufacturer-retailer as it continues its claims crack down based on EU...

Is personalised nutrition about to go public in a big way?

Looking into the food future at Food Vision 2015

Is personalised nutrition about to go public in a big way?


Nutrigenomics – the idea of optimising nutrition via individualised and/or pooled genetic data – is one that has long promised to revolutionise how we eat – not to mention keeping us healthy and out of hospitals. Are converging technologies about to deliver...

Sign up for free for the NutraIngredients Omega-3 forum on April 8. Connect with other attendees and omega-3 experts

April 8, 14:00 CET: Experts debate hot issues in NutraIngredients omega-3 forum

Omega-3 hits €25bn but can it keep growing?


Are omega-3 fisheries really under threat? How many functional foods have cracked omega-3 blockbuster status? How is the sector recovering from the ‘Brasky effect’? How are developing markets developing? How is the latest research influencing regulation?...

Arla's plans to fight malnutrition come under fire

AFI: 'This is a complement to breast feeding, not a replacement'

Arla's plans to fight malnutrition come under fire

By Niamh Michail

As Danish dairy giant Arla Foods Ingredients (AFI) announces plans to combat malnutrition in Ethiopia by selling ingredients for milk formula, campaigners warn that companies may be profiting from hunger by promoting their products.

There's still much to learn about the role of caffeine in the onset of Alzheimer's disease, say researchers

What do we know about caffeine and Alzheimer's?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

It is ‘imperative’ more research is conducted on the potential benefits of caffeine in the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer's disease, say scientists.

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