Sports nutrition

Getty | Peepo

Taste of success: How to fuel recovery at the elite level

By Nikki Hancocks

Providing elite athletes with the nutrition 'edge' is not always about the counting of macros or the science behind ingredients, but it's sometimes as simple as making products and meals delicious, according to a leading health & performance...

Countdown to the Sports & Active Nutrition Summit 2021

Countdown to the Sports & Active Nutrition Summit 2021

By Will Chu

With the countdown to 2021’s Sports & Active Nutrition Summit (SANSE) well under way, NutraIngredients speaks to one of last year’s most popular keynote speakers to hear his thoughts on the industry’s evolution as well as reasons for attending this...

Getty | AllenKayaa

Elite athlete says he was 'saved' by Bifidobacteria

By Nikki Hancocks

Professional footballer Yuto Nagatomo has spoken out about how a ‘Bifidobacteria Training’ programme changed his gut microbiota leading to improvements in his digestive system and his speed of recovery.

NutraCast: Nature’s Bounty on Brain HP for esports athletes

NutraCast: Nature’s Bounty on Brain HP for esports athletes

By Danielle Masterson

The increasing interest in boosting and maintaining brain health is driving product demand all over the world, as consumers look for supplements to help improve memory, focus, mood, sleep, creativity, and other brain functions.

NutraWomen Wednesday: Regina Wallace-Jones of Mindbody

NutraWomen Wednesday: Regina Wallace-Jones of Mindbody

By Danielle Masterson

Regina Wallace-Jones has spent over two decades working in engineering, security, and data-driven expansion for tech companies, like Motorola, Yahoo, and Facebook. Two years ago she joined Mindbody, a software service for the wellness industry.

Getty | Marian Vejcik

EFSA expands opportunities for vitamin D fortification

By Nikki Hancocks

Lallemand has successfully expanded the permitted categories of use for its vitamin D yeast in the EU after gaining favourable opinion from the EFSA for the use in 32 additional food categories.


New guide offers transparency on plant-based sports nutrition

By Nicola Gordon-Seymour

Increasing popularity of plant-based sports nutrition has compelled sports nutritionist, TJ Waterfall, to compile a new guide designed to educate consumers and promote the industry’s commitment to vegan and vegetarian nutrition.

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