Omega-3s & nutritional oils

Polyphenols in red wine may protect omega-3s in blood plasma, leading to a healthier heart.

Research suggests basis for red wine heart benefits

By Nathan Gray

A new study suggests red wine polyphenols may protect omega-3 fatty acids from breaking down in the body, offering a possible mechanism for the cardiovascular benefits associated with red wine consumption.

What role with MEPs play in assessing EFSA health claim opinions?

EHPM: MEP health claim support is “encouraging”

By Shane Starling

A Brussels-based pan-European trade group says it is encouraged by interactions with MEPs who are set to play an active role in scrutinising and potentially modifying controversial European Union health claim rejections.

Krill: The world's largest under-exploited fishery - WWF

Krill oil again shows obesity benefits: Mouse study

By Stephen Daniells

Supplementing a high fat diet with krill oil may activate receptors that affect appetite and energy balance, suggest new findings from a mouse study with potential implications for obesity.

Obesity is a key risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes.

Special Edition: Diabetes

How can nutrition aid diabetes management?

By Nathan Gray

Diabetes affects more than 220 million people globally and the consequences of high blood sugar kill 3.4 million every year. In the second part of our special series on diabetes, NutraIngredients looks at the role of nutrition and diet in managing, and...

No serious adverse effects at high doses of omega-3s, conclude Norwegian authorities

Norway: No high-dose omega-3 adverse effects

By Shane Starling

Norwegian authorities have conducted a safety review of omega-3 forms EPA and DHA and found no adverse effects up to levels as high as 6.9g per day for certain conditions – a level far in excess of recent German recommendations of 1.5g/day.

PinnoThin is claimed to suppress appetite, while Clarinol is claimed to reduce body fat and increase lean muscle mass

Clarinol, Marinol and PinnoThin to get boost Stateside

By Elaine Watson

The new owner of body-shaping Clarinol CLA, appetite-suppressing PinnoThin pine nut oil and heart/brain healthy Marinol omega-3s says sales should grow significantly as it increases their distribution Stateside.

ANH-EU has joined other trade groups in condemning the NHS report's anti-supplement conclusions...and the motivations of its author

ANH slams NHS supplements report

By Shane Starling

The Alliance for Natural Health Europe (ANH-EU) has slammed a recent UK National Health Service (NHS) report which questioned the effectiveness of most food supplements as the statement of an increasingly politically motivated body.

BASF 'impressed' with Cognis integration, expecting more M&A

BASF 'impressed' with Cognis integration, expecting more M&A

By Stephen Daniells

One year on from the $3.1 billion acquisition of Cognis, Samy Jandali, VP of nutrition and health North America for BASF, told Stephen Daniells why he is impressed with the progress of the integration and why we can expect more M&A in the nutrition...

The NHS backs the balanced diet, but stats show it fails to provide adequate nutrient levels

Industry response - NHS report on food supplements

Supplements – Who needs them? Er, around 85% of working adults, say stats

By Shane Starling

The UK and European food supplements industry has hit back at a recent UK National Health Service (NHS) report that largely cast supplements as being ineffective, and recommended ‘a balanced diet’ as the best way to achieve optimum nutrition.

WWF on krill:

Dispatches from Vitafoods Europe 2011

WWF on krill: "World’s largest under-exploited fishery"

By Shane Starling

Krill provides only a small link in the omega-3 supply chain, but the sustainability of the Antarctic fishery is regularly brought under the spotlight, often unfairly says the WWF.

DHA omega-3 may offer sports protection

Dispatches from Vitafoods Europe 2011

DHA omega-3 may offer sports protection

By Nathan Gray

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is the critical omega-3 fatty acid in the brain and research backs its ability to boost brain function. But can it slow the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease and help protect sportspeople against concussion?

Today: Bone & joint health virtual conference

Today: Bone & joint health virtual conference is hosting the first virtual conference dedicated to bone and joint health, showcasing the latest trends and strategies for this multi-million dollar segment.

Oceans may provide ‘new wave’ of natural ingredients

Dispatches from Vitafoods Europe 2011

Oceans may provide ‘new wave’ of natural ingredients

By Nathan Gray

The marine environment may be hiding a bounty of untapped natural ingredients that have potential for use in foods and supplements, says Dr Jon Williams of Aquapharm.

DSM on Vitatene, Martek and its investment “shortlist”

Disptaches from Vitafoods Europe 2011

DSM on Vitatene, Martek and its investment “shortlist”

By Shane Starling

DSM’s head of global marketing in human nutrition and health, Gareth Barker, explains why it has bought a carotenoid supplier (approval permitting), how the Martek acquisition is progressing, and why the company is not finished spending yet.

Australia gains an updated nutrient database

Australia gains an updated nutrient database

By Shane Starling

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has updated its highly popular nutrient database to include new information about fatty acids, iodine, vitamin D and more.

Cognis: Now a part of BASF

Dispatches from Vitafoods Europe 2011

BASF-Cognis acquisition delivering customer benefits

By Shane Starling

Integration is fully underway after the merger last year between the two German ingredient giants, Cognis and BASF, with projects developing under the newly formed Human Nutrition unit in the wake of BASF’s €3bn acquisition in December, 2010.

Norwegian project links brain science and industry

Norwegian project links brain science and industry

By Shane Starling

Aker Biomarine, Pfizer and Merck are among the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical companies that have joined forces with academia to better connect “brain science and industry” in a new Norwegian project.

The most comprehensive assessment to date?

Omega-3 may slash levels of heart disease risk factor

By Stephen Daniells

Supplements of omega-3 fatty acids are associated with lower levels of an amino acid called homocysteine, an amino acid linked to increased risks of heart disease and dementia, says a new meta-analysis of the scientific evidence.

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