
Mary Ellen Sanders:

Japanese dairy backs bifidobacteria

By Anne Bruce

Scientists have called new discoveries from leading Japanese dairy product company Morinaga Milk Industry on popular probiotic genus bifidobacteria, “an interesting first step”.

Fish, krill win sustainability seal

Fish, krill win sustainability seal


An Israeli krill oil supplier and a Norwegian fish oil supplier have both had aspects of their omega-3 supply chain verified by fisheries sustainability NGO, Friend of the Sea (FOS).

Melon extract eases stress: Study

Melon extract eases stress: Study

By Anne Bruce

A new 12-week clinical study has strengthened evidence that melon-derived superoxide dismutase (Sod) supplements can help reduce stress and fatigue and improve cognitive performance.

“Increases in markers of muscle damage and inflammation tended to be lower in the curcumin group…”

Science short

Curcumin reduces muscle soreness: Study


A proprietary curcumin extract can ease post-exercise muscle soreness caused by oxidative stress and inflammation, an Italian study has found.

German court overturns kava ban

German court overturns kava ban


Germany’s 12-year ban on calming herb kava is, “unlawful and inappropriate” the country’s Federal Administrative Court has found.

 We agree that sucrose increases risk of dental caries, but there is no evidence that lactose is less cariogenic than other sugars, says NDA panel.

EFSA adopts essential infant formula composition opinion

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

EFSA has adopted its opinion on the essential infant formula composition following a period of public consultation which saw nearly 400 comments stream in on the likes of omega-3 form DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), probiotics, fluoride and sucrose's...

DNP is used by bodybuilders to burn fat, but the chemical carries grave health risks

DNP poisoning on the rise: Analysis

By Nicola Cottam

Cases of poisoning from the industrial chemical dinitrophenol (or DNP) – often used by bodybuilders to burn fat - are on the increase, according to research.

Vitamin A fortified bananas could tackle nutritional deficiencies in Africa

‘Super-bananas’ close to commercialisation

By Nicola Cottam

The mass-production of so-called ‘super-bananas’ enriched with vitamin A may begin in Uganda as early as 2020 pending approval by the country’s legislators, according to the project’s lead scientist, James Dale.

The food industry has been portrayed as

Dispatches from EFSA plenary, Parma

We can't have both open doors and open discussions, says temp EFSA chair

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Transparency is important, but this may not be compatible with openness of scientific debate, according to the temporary chair of the European Food Safety Authority's (EFSA) Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) panel.

Ancient grain chia and prickly pear are growing in popularity among food and drink makers, says Mintel

Ancient ingredients are the next ‘superfoods’, says analyst

By Nicola Cottam

Global food and drink manufacturers should exploit the ‘superfood’ potential of ancient ingredients such as prickly pear cactus and chia seeds, known for their rich nutrient content and health-giving properties, says Mintel global food science analyst,...

Olive bioavailability of its curcuminoid formulation BioTurmin-WD is more potent than 95% pure curcuminoids

Curcumin bioavailability boosted 7x: Industry study

By Nicola Cottam

The bioavailability of micronutrients in a proprietary curcuminoid formulation is seven times more potent than 95% pure curcuminoids, say researchers from the Indian manufacturer Olive Lifesciences.

“It’s going to be a really exciting time,

From the Vitafoods Europe 2014 vault

Mooted novel food changes will open exotic fruit doors in EU


Exotic and functional fruits and vegetables like cashew nut fruit, chu chu and their extracts are set for an easier passage into European Union markets if mooted simplifications to EU Novel Foods laws come to fruition, according to a UK-based expert.

French omega-3 player scores in Brazil

French omega-3 player scores in Brazil


Ambitious French omega-3 supplier Polaris has won approval to market its branded omega-3s in South America’s biggest nutraceutical market, Brazil.

All those in favour of bespoke nutrition say 'I'...

“We want to understand the molecular relationships between nutrients and their effects on healthy individuals and patients at different stages of their lives.”

Bespoken for: Nestlé eyes ‘I-tamins’


Swiss-based Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS) is teaming with a US analytics specialist to develop personalised vitamin solutions via ultra-sensitive lab techniques.

“Some plants were excluded because it was felt that the industry was not really using them. Evidence to the contrary would be important,” says Italian consultant.

'If they are not included, they may be relegated to novel food hell'

And the losers were… BELFRIT’s missing botanicals compiled

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Firms must fight the case of the botanicals that did not make it on the BELFRIT list, according to a consultant behind a comprehensive index of those excluded from the Belgian, French and Italian agreement.

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