
Making a krilling

Making a krilling

The tiny crustaceans best known as whale fodder are making a splash as a nutrient-rich marine-sourced alternative to fish and algae in the omega-3 market. Tina Sampalis, PhD, chief science officer at leading krill player, Neptune Technologies & Bioressources,...

Pizzey's Nutritionals heads for Europe

Pizzey's Nutritionals heads for Europe

Pizzey's Nutritionals has launched a flax/fish oil ingredient in Europe after being purchased by Glanbia Nutritionals in 2007. Founder and president of the 17-year-old Canadian supplier Linda Pizzey discusses that move and other aspects of the omega-3...

Soy comes of age

Soy comes of age

The soy ingredients market has grown up a lot in 20 years. Solbar vice president of marketing and development Gary Brenner casts an eye over a mature ingredients sector.

Tapping into changing consumer preferences

Tapping into changing consumer preferences

Peter Wennstrom, president of HealthFocus Europe, and a leading branding consultant, says the next big change in the nutrition industry is not about taste or convenience, but change it self.

How to behave with new parents

How to behave with new parents

Being bought out by Iranex won't change French herbal extracts supplier Bio Serae's independent approach, says managing director, Olivier Houalla.

DSM lights a green lantern

DSM lights a green lantern

DSM Nutritional Products global marketing manager, Martijn Adorf, discusses why green values are as important as price competitiveness to the multinational ingredients giant.

The drug threat to weight loss supplements

The drug threat to weight loss supplements

Robinson Pharma marketing vice president, Kenn Israel, discusses the recent GlaxoSmithKline petition for weight loss claims be treated as disease claims, and the potential impact of this on the dietary supplement market.

Evolutions in the omega-3 market

Evolutions in the omega-3 market

Adam Kelliher founded the UK omega-3 supplements company Equazen about 10 years ago after giving up a career as a BBC TV journalist. Leaving Equazen, he recently founded fatty acids researcher and developer, Equateq, which is headquartered in Scotland...

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