
Lipogen sees bright lipid future

Lipogen sees bright lipid future

By Shane Starling

Phosphatidyl Serine is the world's only brain health ingredient to have an approved US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) health claim. Israeli-based Lipogen is one of the world's leading suppliers. President David Rutenberg speaks with Shane...

EU VMS maximum levels draw closer

EU VMS maximum levels draw closer

By Shane Starling

A meeting held yesterday in Dublin has confirmed European Commission/European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) scientific safety substantiation principles in the setting of maximum permitted levels (MPLs) for vitamins and minerals in food supplements.

Kosher botanicals: Rabbis, insects and quality control

Kosher botanicals: Rabbis, insects and quality control

By Shane Starling

Regular visits from a rabbi to ensure Kosher certification are part of doing business for almost all ingredients suppliers in Israel. For SDA Spice, the largest botanicals supplier in the Middle East, Kosher is very much about quality control. VP of sales...

Time to quieten the nutrition label noise

Time to quieten the nutrition label noise

Everyone from government to grocers seems to have their own idea of how best to inform consumers about foods’ nutritional content, but a labeling free-for-all has resulted in a clamor of nutrition labels which are actually getting in the way of comprehension.

EU trade group criticises health claim list

EU trade group criticises health claim list

By Shane Starling

The European Responsible Nutrition Alliance (ERNA) has criticised the recently updated 4000+, article 13 health and nutrition claim list for containing re-worded claims or omitting them completely.

In praise of pesticides

In praise of pesticides

By Mike Stones

Who likes pesticides? Misunderstood by consumers and misrepresented by pressure groups, pesticides are a soft target for legislators. The latest blow to that soft target could have hard consequences for the European food industry and for developing countries.

The short-sightedness of clinical trials

The short-sightedness of clinical trials

The results of randomized clinical trials to test nutrients continues to grab the headlines, and more often than not the titles are not positive. Is the emphasis on a trial model anchored in drug testing a good thing for nutrition? Stephen Daniells talked...

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