Regulation & policy

EU directive moves into law

EU directive moves into law

Regulations to implement the provisions of the EU directive on food
supplements in England were laid before the UK parliament this
week. The UK is likely to see the removal of more supplements than
most other Member States.

NAHS fights on for kava

NAHS fights on for kava

The UK's National Association of Health Stores is hoping to hear
this week that it can start its High Court action against the
Medicines Control Agency and the Food Standards Agency concerning
the ban on the herbal remedy kava-kava.

Good diets, bad diets

Good diets, bad diets

"There are no 'good' and 'bad' foods but rather 'good' and 'bad'
diets," said David Byrne, European Commissioner for Health and
Consumer Protection, discussing planned proposals on health...

Euromed certified Kosher

Euromed certified Kosher

German herbal extract manufacturer Euromed has received Kosher
certification from a US certification agency. The company is one of
the first European companies to gain the accreditation.

EU to rule on fortification

EU to rule on fortification

The European Commission has published a draft proposal for a
directive on the addition of vitamins, minerals and other
substances to food. The directive, to be discussed at an expert
meeting in March, aims to ease trade of fortified...

Go-ahead for mince pies

Go-ahead for mince pies

British consumers can tuck in to mince pies and Christmas cake
without worrying about the quality of the dried fruit ingredients,
according to a survey by the UK's Food Standards Agency.

Industry support is essential

Industry support is essential

The role of food industry bodies in helping to maintain and promote
food safety for the consumer was clearly underlined this week by
the UK Food and Drink Federation. Speaking at the Society of Food
Hygiene Technology's annual...

Byrne supports EU/US dialogue

Byrne supports EU/US dialogue

David Byrne, the European Commissioner responsible for Health and
Consumer Protection, yesterday issued a message of support to the
Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD), a forum of US and EU
organisations, ahead of its forthcoming...

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