Regulation & policy

Use of aromatase inhibitor forms basis of warning letter

Use of aromatase inhibitor forms basis of warning letter

By Hank Schultz

A recently posted warning letter cites a New York company for the presence of an aromatase inhibitor in one of its dietary supplements. This class of chemicals is popular with strength trainers for its purported ability to suppress estrogen levels.

Some shady ingredients find home in nootropics category

Special edition: Nootropics

Some shady ingredients find home in nootropics category

By Hank Schultz

Nootropics is an area of the dietary supplement industry burgeoning with new ingredients. But at the ragged fringe of the category are drug-like substances that just won’t go away.

CAP should be linked to health agenda, MEP Heart Health Group hears ©iStock

Calls for EC to link agriculture and health policy

By Katy Askew

European health campaigners and some MEPs argue the European Commission should take a joined up approach to its food, agriculture and health policy by linking farmer payments to the healthiness of the food they produce.


Expert View

Streamlined regulation paves way for wave of exotic foods in Europe

By Katia Merten-Lentz, partner at international law firm Keller and Heckman

Could new novel food rules open up the European market to a wave of exotic foods and ingredients? Katia Merten-Lentz, partner at international law firm Keller and Heckman, believes a streamlined process offers potential to increase innovation around 'traditional'...

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