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Guest article

‘Under Siege’: A year of reflection and next level growth

By George Paraskevakos, Executive Director, International Probiotics Association (IPA)

As I celebrated three years at IPA in April, I couldn’t help but reflect on the shape the industry has taken. Going from being sparingly mentioned in the press and fast forward to today and it is almost every other week we see probiotics in the headlines....

ESSNA Kitemark

Sports nutrition trademark approved in Europe

By Nikki Cutler

A European trademark to identify sports nutrition products belonging to members of the European Specialist Sports Nutrition Alliance (ESSNA) has been approved by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

© Getty Images / redstallion

Guest article

EPA and DHA Omega-3s: Reflections on 2018

By Ellen Schutt, Executive Director, GOED (Global Organization for EPA & DHA Omega-3)

New science, developments in contaminant regulations, a new conversation around micro- and nanoplastics, and challenges on the regulatory front: In this guest article, Ellen Schutt, Executive Director of GOED, looks back on a very busy 2018 in the omega-3...

iStock | Over 65 shopper

How to appeal to senior consumers.

HiE: Golden rules for netting the golden year shoppers

By Nikki Cutler

Health food, drink and supplement marketers must sell to the growing over 65’s market by moving away from anti-ageing terms, according to new research revealed at Health Ingredients Europe.

Protein Extreme: Arla debuts new protein shot concept

By Beth Newhart

Arla Foods Ingredients has developed a new protein shot concept consisting of whey protein for ‘athletes and gym-goers’. It debuted the idea at the Supply Side West show in Las Vegas last week to beverage manufacturers.

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20 things we learned at the 2018 IPA DC Workshop

By Stephen Daniells

The Nagoya Protocol, the big changes coming for Lactobacillus classification, and how to boost your chances of success with an NDI notification were just some of the topic covered during the third annual IPA Workshop in DC.

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