Oxidative Stress

© Dougal Waters / Getty Images

Wine-making by-product improves eye health in diabetics: Study

By Olivia Haslam

Maltodextrinated Grape Pomace Extract (MaGPE) supplementation reduces retinal swelling and oxidative stress, improving visual outcomes in diabetic retinopathy (DR) patients, according to new research published in the journal Nutrients.

Brands harness plant polyphenols for weight management

Brands harness plant polyphenols for weight management

By Claudia Adrien

Demand for polyphenol-powered weight management supplements continues to grow as consumers seek out natural, science-backed aids to activate their metabolisms, curb appetite and reduce excess fat mass.

Getty Images / Romona Robbins Photography

Study: Almonds support metabolic recovery, boosts beneficial fat

By Danielle Masterson

Almonds, the edible seeds of Prunus dulcis, are associated with a number of health benefits as they are packed with vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. Now researchers are singing the praises of the polyphenols found in its skin.

Researchers should 'sum up the level of evidence available rather than test another new antioxidant extracted from a different fruit'. ©iStock/brozova

Antioxidant evidence is very weak, concludes review

By Eliot Beer

Evidence for the beneficial effects of antioxidants is very weak, and researchers should work harder to understand the mechanisms behind oxidative stress, an academic review has concluded.

Research that enhances compounds contained in broccoli may lead to a lower risk of coronary heart disease and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). ©iStock

Studies look to enhance broccoli’s ability to ward off disease

By Will Chu

Research that enhances compounds contained in broccoli may lead to a lower risk of coronary heart disease and age-related macular degeneration (AMD), according to two studies that reinforce the vegetable’s reputation as a superfood.

The power of antioxidants in lowering the risk of chronic inflammatory diseases such as asthma, and Crohn's disease has been well documented. © iStock.com / Daniela Andreea Spyropoulos

Special Edition: Antioxidants, polyphenols and carotenoids

Inflamed & stressed: Rejuvenating antioxidants in big demand

By Will Chu

Healthy ageing and the insights garnered from micronutrient studies could help drive demand for products that reduce inflammation and ease oxidative stress on the body, according to industry experts.

Photo: Simon A. Eugster/Wikimedia Commons

Curcumin may aid fat loss in rats

By Adi Menayang

Curcumin may help mitigate metabolic and oxidative alterations caused by hormone deprivation in events such as menopause, suggests a new study with rats. 


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