Mediterranean Diet

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New FFQ can assess vitamin K intake in Mediterranean populations

By Olivia Haslam

Researchers have developed a new Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) to assess vitamin K intake in the Portuguese Mediterranean population, addressing the inadequacy of existing FFQs for this specific population due to dietary pattern differences.

Getty/marie martin

Duckweed and green tea found to boost health benefits of Med diet

By Oliver Morrison

A ‘greener’ Mediterranean diet consisting of more vegetables, less meat and topped up with water lentils, walnuts and green tea, may be even better for cardiovascular and metabolic health than the traditional version, suggests research.

More than a myth: The science behind the Mediterranean diet

More than a myth: The science behind the Mediterranean diet

By Niamh Michail

The benefits of the Mediterranean diet have been firmly established – we all know that we should eatmore fresh fruit and vegetables, use olive oil, eat whole grains, nuts and pulses, a few dairy products and a little meat – but why do we know it?FoodNavigator...

Fytexia targets US expansion with new US-structure and Med Diet science

Fytexia targets US expansion with new US-structure and Med Diet science

By Stephen Daniells

French raw material supplier Fytexia wants to more than double its US business within five years by bringing the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet to North America, as it opens a sales office in the New York City area and a warehouse in Salt Lake City,...


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