Sports nutrition


What's on the label isn't always what's in the product

Do commercial probiotics need better quality controls?

By Nathan Gray

Probiotic products should have a more stringent quality control process with processes that ensure contents match what is on the label, warns a new position paper.

MEPs last week said they were “convinced the authority should be endowed with a sufficient budget to hire independent in-house experts with no conflicts of interest”. ©iStock

Analysis: Can EFSA ever cut ties with industry?

By David Burrows

The consultation for a new policy on independence at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) draws to a close this week and campaigners have told FoodNavigator that the final document won’t be worth the paper it’s written on

Delivery Formats: Will consumers sip their supplements?

Delivery Formats: Will consumers sip their supplements?

By Adi Menayang

At this year’s Natural Products Expo West, Trace Minerals Research launched a line of supplement straws. The company isn’t the first to play with this concept, but it certainly is one of very few. So what’s the appeal of dipping one’s toes into these...

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Sports nutrition regulation has improved but is still uncertain: ESSNA

By Emma Jane Cash

Regulation for sports nutrition has had a long and winding road over the last decade but there are still issues that need addressing, says European Specialist Sports Nutrition Alliance (ESSNA) vice-chair Stuart Shotton ahead of his talk at Vitafoods 2017...

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What should EFSA do to improve the NHCR?

By Emma Jane Cash

The aims of health claims are to encourage fair competition, prevent the public from being mislead and to promote innovation, but more and more companies are being put off by the application process. What needs to change?

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