Lactobacillus helveticus UA881; a versatile probiotic strain - Percheron Bioceutical

Breast Milk Isolated Lactobacillus helveticus UA881 Alleviates Hyperlipidemia and Hyperuricemia, Generates Micro-Nutrients, and Activates Antioxidant Systems

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Percheron Bioceutical - Shao-Yu Lee (2)

Percheron Bioceutical - Shao-Yu Lee (2).pdf 0.39 MB


Hyperlipidemia is the major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Hyperuricemia is also a prevalent problem, especially in Asia, leading to gout with extreme pain. Unfortunately, these populations can only rely on long-term medication treatments, and several side effects may gradually occur. This study aims to propose an alternative strategy for regulating cholesterol (CHL), triacylglyceride (TG), and uric acid (UA) levels through the functional probiotic UA881.


The in-vitro degradation rates of UA and purine nucleosides were investigated by the HPLC method. Contents of TG, CHL, folic acid, Vitamin B12, GSH, nitric oxide, and IL-8 were measured by commercial kits. SOD and catalase activities were analyzed by biochemical approaches.


In the in-vitro experiments, UA881 rapidly degrades guanosine, inosine, UA, TG, and CHL. The degradation rates of UA881 are significantly higher than the L. helveticus type strain. Moreover, UA881 can inhibit inflammation by suppressing secretions of nitric oxide and IL-8 in macrophages, which are the major factors inducing gout. These findings suggest that UA881 is able to relieve hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, and gout. Moreover, our study indicates that UA881 secretes massive amounts of valuable micro-nutrients such as folic acid and vitamin B12. UA881 also significantly induces activities of antioxidant systems, including SOD, catalase, and GSH.


We propose L. helveticus UA881 as a novel strategy to alleviate hyperuricemia and hyperlipidemia, accompanied by its phenomenal gut colonization ability. Additionally, UA881 can also provide essential vitamins and activate antioxidant systems. In conclusion, UA881 can relieve hyperuricemia, hyperlipidemia, and improve overall health conditions.