Omega-3s & nutritional oils

Krill oil – hope or hype for the omega-3 market?

Krill oil – hope or hype for the omega-3 market?

By Stephen Daniells

Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the nutrition industry’s big fish, and an emerging presence in the market is omega-3 sourced from krill oil. Stephen Daniells casts his net for opinions on the rise of krill oil.

DHA revisions offer hope to health claim rejections

DHA revisions offer hope to health claim rejections

By Stephen Daniells

The affirmation that the omega-3 DHA can benefit cognitive and eye health offers hope to previously rejected claims. And it's business as usual regarding the overall health claims process, despite ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, said a European...

Roadmaps to EU health claim success

Roadmaps to EU health claim success

By Shane Starling

As the European Union health claims climate evolves, companies are learning just what is required to demonstrate the benefits of healthy foods and supplements.

Krill conflict could threaten omega-3 potential

Krill conflict could threaten omega-3 potential

The krill category and the science backing it are still emerging, but there are many who believe krill extracts have the potential to 'go big' in the healthy foods arena. Very big.

The changing face of omega-3 supply

The changing face of omega-3 supply

By Shane Starling

The omega-3 marine-sourced supply chain is changing as the success of the ingredient attracts new players. Bjorn Refsum, managing director of leading supplier, EPAX and sales manager, Baldur Hjaltson, discuss how these changes are affecting the market...

Life in a European health claims wasteland

Life in a European health claims wasteland

Ka-CHING! Hear that? No it’s not the sound of overflowing cash registers as consumers throw endless wads of euros at scientifically-backed, healthy foods in greater numbers than ever before.

Scientists attack proposed EU omega-3 DRVs

Scientists attack proposed EU omega-3 DRVs

By Shane Starling

An international consortium of concerned lipid scientists says the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)-recommended omega-3 dietary reference values (DRVs) are seriously flawed and should be amended before they see the light of day in the European Union...

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