Omega-3s & nutritional oils

Croatian Chamber of Economy:

Dispatches from vitafoods europe 2015

Croatian supplements face challenges following EU membership

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Black market crack downs, neighbourhood kudos and moving goal posts - Croatia's supplement industry has seen big changes since it became a member of the European Union in July 2013.

Heated exchange: “This draft opinion has not reviewed a single study that was submitted…it really should not be published in its current form,

BASF-Stepan CLA claim rejection fall-out

EFSA: Only national bodies can withdraw health claim applications


The EU’s central science agency has clarified health claim procedures after a furore over a CLA weight management submission BASF and Stepan Lipid Nutrition unsuccessfully attempted to withdraw from the system earlier this year.

Mindreader: The supply chain begins in the mind of the consumer...

"More and more the food industry realises consumer education is the key to success – not claims."

Welcome to the era of Nutrition. Are you ready for it?

By Peter Wennstrom

The moment you realise that every nutrient you eat today will build your body of tomorrow, then you realise you will become what you eat. Couple that with the fact that most cells in our body are replaced within a couple of months and the new paradigm...

Special edition: 25 years of functional foods

Functional Foods 2.0: Beyond the nutritional shoehorn...

By Julian Mellentin

Products such as probiotic pizza, probiotic snack bars, high-fibre chicken or fish-oil fortified yoghurt may seem bizarre, says market expert Julian Mellentin in this guest article, but since 1990 thousands of products like this have been launched – and...

A government report last month warned about the

Whose job is it to police illegal health claims?

By Niamh Michail

With different bodies referring illegal health claims to one another for policing, NutraIngredients asks:  Whose responsibility is it to ensure health claim compliance – and does it matter as long as illegal claims are removed?

Protein World claim making has been deemed unauthorised under EU law & heavily censored by the ASA

UK blows whistle on sports supplement claims


The UK advertising watchdog has muzzled meal replacement, muscle building, metabolism, L-carnitine, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) and other claims being made by a UK based online manufacturer-retailer as it continues its claims crack down based on EU...

Dietary curcumin may boost brain DHA: Study

Dietary curcumin may boost brain DHA: Study

By Nathan Gray

Increased intake of curcumin could boost levels of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in the brain by enhancing its conversion from other omega-3 precursors in the liver, say researchers.

Sign up for free for the NutraIngredients Omega-3 forum on April 8. Connect with other attendees and omega-3 experts

April 8, 14:00 CET: Experts debate hot issues in NutraIngredients omega-3 forum

Omega-3 hits €25bn but can it keep growing?


Are omega-3 fisheries really under threat? How many functional foods have cracked omega-3 blockbuster status? How is the sector recovering from the ‘Brasky effect’? How are developing markets developing? How is the latest research influencing regulation?...

Hemp is the new superfood for vitamins and omega-3

Not just for hippies: Hemp's rising superfood status

By RJ Whitehead

Bursting with nutrients and boasting an impressive growth rate, the future of hemp seed is bright– but what’s the best way for manufacturers to cash in on a product that is connected – mistakenly but understandably – with an illegal drug?

Research directly challenges a previous study which found that omega-3s increase the risk of prostate cancer

Omega-3 may help fight prostate cancer

By Niamh Michail

Omega-3 fatty acids inhibit the growth and spread of prostate cancer cells, say scientists – challenging a 2013 study which claimed omega-3s increase the risk of prostate cancer by 71%.

Poison pill?

Special edition: Beauty from within

Beauty From Within turns ugly for L’Oréal and Nestlé


It promised so much – the globe’s biggest cosmetic and food players L’Oréal and Nestlé applying serious marketing, research and NPD clout to drive a nascent category into the mainstream public consciousness. It was going to make beauty from within (BFW)...

Newly available oilseed species features 'game changing' SDA content

Newly available oilseed species features 'game changing' SDA content

By Hank Schultz

A new, more efficient form of plant-based omega-3s is coming to market in the form of Ahiflower, the branded name of a special strain of an oilseed species that has been developed by British firm Technology Crops International to contain high levels of...

Micronutrient deficiencies are prevalent among sufferers of mental illness, according to the researchers

Vitamin D and omega-3 together may help mental illness

By Niamh Michail

Vitamin D and omega-3 could work together to improve cognitive function and social behaviour with particular relevance for battling ADHD, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, say researchers.

DSM CEO: Global economy continues to exhibit “microeconomic uncertainty and low consumer confidence”

Giant confronting omega-3, vitamin E challenges

DSM nutrition profits dip 7% in 2014


Pricing and sector market challenges, currency fluctuations and some stiff economic headwinds have contributed to 2014 full-year EBITDA profits sliding 7% for the world’s biggest nutrient player, DSM.

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