Regulation & policy

Heavyweight comments inform EFSA antioxidant-heart health claim guidance

EFSA health claims guidance

Heavyweight comments inform EFSA antioxidant-heart health claim guidance

By Shane Starling

Input from Nestlé, Kellogg, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, DSM, Unilever, Cargill, Ocean Spray, Kraft, Danone, Health Canada, the University of Milan and 45 other parties has informed fresh EFSA guidance on antioxidant and cardiovascular health claims.

Black cohosh

UK medicines agency commits to botanicals “crackdown”

By Shane Starling

Borderline botanical products making medicinal or therapeutic claims but not holding appropriate registrations under new European Union laws, are coming under increased scrutiny from the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), which...

Creatine health claim should be removed from positive list

Creatine health claim should be removed from positive list

The positive health claim for creatine and sports performance that was one of 222 that passed to the European parliament for writing into European law, should be put on ice, because it is confounded by conditions of use (CoU), a UK consultant has said.

Valerian: Medicine or supplement? Or both?

MHRA refutes ECJ influence in UK herbal supplements policing

By Shane Starling

UK regulator, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), says investigations are ongoing into a number of ‘borderline’ herbal products, and that its enforcement actions are not being swayed by recent European Union court decisions.

222 health claim winners set for EU law books…and 2000 losers

222 health claim winners set for EU law books…and 2000 losers

By Shane Starling

Five years after the controversial European Union nutrition and health regulation (NHCR) was enacted, an article 13 general function health claims register of about 2200 claims has been OK’d by the European Commission and member states and is likely to...

Popular in the United States, sensory claims, made for products such as Coors Light, are beginning to appear in the UK

Food firms look to sensory claims

By Freddie Dawson and Mike Stones

Frustrated food and drink manufacturers are considering sensory claims in preference to health claims; few of which have been approved by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

Beneo: “We need to have a new future now”

Dispatches from FIE 2011

Beneo: “We need to have a new future now”

By Shane Starling from Paris

Today the European Commission meets to decide whether or not to send the controversial European Union health claims register to the European Parliament – now is no time to abort the process says European ingredients giant, Beneo.

Safer Herbal Medicines Campaign: “We did not enlist academics”

Safer Herbal Medicines Campaign: “We did not enlist academics”

By Shane Starling

The six-week-old, UK-based Safer Herbal Medicines Campaign (SHMC) denies encouraging herbal academics to write to members of parliament and policy makers urging a botanical food supplement crackdown, as a debate over how to regulate herbal products heats...

Krill player welcomes Antarctic conservation plans

Krill player welcomes Antarctic conservation plans

By Shane Starling

The Southern Ocean will gain more Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), the leading marine life conservation organisation for the Antarctic has said – a move welcomed by Norwegian krill supplier, Aker Biomarine.

Dr Aine Hearty

Could conditions of use condemn health claim victories?

By Dr Aine Hearty

In recent months the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has come under increasing pressure to moderate its scientific approach to the assessment of health claims from parts of the industry and the academic community.

Judge considers appeal request in Chinese vitamin C cartel case

Special edition: Vitamins

Judge considers appeal request in Chinese vitamin C cartel case

By Elaine Watson

The judge presiding over a high-profile case brought by US vitamin buyers against Chinese firms accused of fixing the price of vitamin C is considering a series of motions filed by the defendants, who claim they were compelled to act as a cartel by the...

Neptune secures US patent for krill cardio health benefits

Neptune secures US patent for krill cardio health benefits

By Elaine Watson

Neptune Technologies & Bioressources has bolstered its intellectual property portfolio further after securing a new US patent (No. 8,057,825) awarding it the exclusive use of krill extracts in the US as a method for reducing cholesterol, platelet...

EFSA calls for characterisation work as probiotic resubmissions loom

EFSA calls for characterisation work as probiotic resubmissions loom

By Shane Starling

EFSA has approached an expert who has already worked with its health claims panel to make a report on the characterisation of probiotic strains – an issue that led to the rejection of 260 out of 300 probiotic health claim dossiers - and most of which...

EFSA's health claim assessment approach is getting under the skin of Innéov

Innéov calls for complete EU health claims revamp

By Shane Starling in Paris at BFW2011

L’Oreal and Nestlé joint venture Innéov told a beauty foods and supplements congress in Paris yesterday that the European Union health claims laws that have stung its marketing need to be completely overhauled.

Member states urged not to veto health claim victories

Member states urged not to veto health claim victories

By Shane Starling

The leading European food industry group, FoodDrinkEurope (FDE), has issued a missive urging member states not to kibosh positive European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) health claim opinions for up to 130 nutrients.

French fat reduction firm to resubmit after EFSA health claim failure

French fat reduction firm to resubmit after EFSA health claim failure

By Shane Starling

Ceprodi KOT, the French diet firm that had an article 13.5, abdominal fat reduction health claim rejected by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in September, is already preparing a new submission that will focus on “cardiometabolic health”.

EU hails ground-breaking nano definition

EU hails ground-breaking nano definition

By Rory Harrington

The European Commission said its newly unveiled common nanomaterial definition will provide a basis for clear regulation that will boost industry’s ability to develop products while safeguarding consumers.

EFSA issues psychological health claim guidance

EFSA issues psychological health claim guidance

By Shane Starling

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published draft guidance on neurological and psychological health claim submissions – and has given stakeholders until December 16 to submit comments.

GOED explains its “big plans” for omega-3 health claims in 2012

Dispatches from SupplySide West 2011

GOED explains its “big plans” for omega-3 health claims in 2012

By Shane Starling from Las Vegas

With the volume of omega-3 science tripling in 10 years, the world’s leading omega-3 trade group is working with international regulators to have that research reflected in authorised claims – especially in the EU and the US.

US businesses face rude shock as EU health claims laws loom

Dispatches from SupplySide West 2011

US businesses face rude shock as EU health claims laws loom

By Shane Starling in Las Vegas

US companies need to get up to speed with European Union health claim changes or face big hits on existing trade or missed opportunities, according to the chief of a leading UK supplements group.

Complaints against Glaxo dismissed

Glaxo wins vitamin C ad challenge

By Shane Starling

The UK advertising watchdog says it has no issue with the way drug giant GlaxoSmithKline advertises the vitamin C content of its blackcurrant drink, Ribena.

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