Regulation & policy

EFSA sets standard for study rigor, consultant says

Dispatches from VitaFoods Europe 2013

EFSA sets standard for study rigor, consultant says

By Hank Schultz

Differing regulatory environments can play havoc with a company's research plans, say consultant Joerg Gruenwald, PhD.  But recent, sometimes bitter, experience with the European Food Safety Authority has shed some light on how to negotiate this...

Health groups urge action on nutrient profiling

Health groups urge action on nutrient profiling


A group of European health organisations has urged European Commission president José Manuel Barroso to issue a proposal on nutrient profiling as part of a wider EU goal to reduce premature deaths.

Cranberry veteran gathers forces against EU medical device products

Live from Vitafoods Europe 2013

Cranberry veteran gathers forces against EU medical device products


With cranberry health claims rejected in the European Union, some players have ventured down the medical devices route where therapeutic claims are possible that would never succeed under the EU’s strict health claim rules. Not a good thing, says Gunter...

EU health claims evolution: New submission behaviours

EU health claims evolution: A submission rethink

By Nigel Baldwin

Now that the dust has settled on the health claims submission process we should all be very clear on the rules of engagement. Well kind of, says Nigel Baldwin, chief consultant in Intertek’s European office.

Consultant: ‘No need to fear EU novel foods laws’

Consultant: ‘No need to fear EU novel foods laws’


The EU’s long-winded novel foods rules have long been viewed as an innovation-crimping legal structure, but a stream-lining of the process means companies should not fear it, a consultant says.

Could the WTO overturn EU health claim laws?

Could the WTO overturn EU health claim laws?

By Shane Starling from Brussels

Aggrieved companies and  trade groups have already mounted legal actions against the EU’s strict health claim laws – they are in process – but the regulation’s workings could face fresh challenge from governments signed up to the World Trade Organization...

Bakery sector can develop fiber health claims


Room to grow: Bakery sector fiber health claims


The bakery industry may prefer nutrition content to genuine health claims - a state-of-affairs that reflects the relative few claim-backed nutrients available to breads, cereals, bars and other baked products – but options do exist.

Omega-3 brain health claim rejected in EU

Omega-3 brain health claim rejected in EU


The EU’s science agency has rejected a health claim submission linking omega-3 form EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and reduced risk of ADHD in kids.

Neptune's European patent on krill oil revoked

Neptune's European patent on krill oil revoked

By Hank Schultz

The European Patent Office has revoked one of the patents held by krill oil supplier Neptune Technologies & Bioressources.  As has become de rigueur in the IP battle among krill companies, the various players disagree about what the action means.

FSANZ standard should be adopted by Asian giants

Ankush at large

FSANZ standard should be adopted by Asian giants

By Ankush Chibber

Health claims in food and beverage products is perhaps the most talked about topic in the entire food production chain outside of GM. In mature markets like the US—and now Australasia—at least there has been frameworks implemented to rationalise the claim-making...

Chinese food regulatory agency reorganized, renamed

Chinese food regulatory agency reorganized, renamed

The Chinese State Food and Drug Adminstration (SFDA) has been reorganized and renamed, according to Jeff Crowther, executive director of the US-China Health Care Products Association. The new name is the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA), which...

Bitter orange and caffeine combo may be unsafe, says BfR

Bitter orange and caffeine combo may be unsafe, says BfR

By Nathan Gray

Sports supplements and weight loss products that contain a combination of caffeine and synephrine from bitter orange may not comply with current regulations and could be classified as unsafe, warns the BfR.

Leiber unable to prove that 0.45 g of Yestimun twice a day guarded against the common cold

EFSA rejects Leiber’s beta-glucan common cold health claim

By Oliver Nieburg

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has rejected a 13.5 health claim linking Leiber’s beta glucan Yestimun to defence against the common cold, but the company is gearing up for another application after claiming the regulator has been inconsistent.

ASA-OK with us! Nestlé escapes ‘poor nutritional habits’ rap


ASA-OK with us! Nestlé escapes Nesquik rap on ‘poor nutritional habits’ claim


Nestlé milkshake brand Nesquik has escaped UK Advertising Standards Authority censure after viewers of a TV ad alleged that it encouraged ‘poor nutritional habits’ among children, but the Children's Food Campaign slammed the 'ever-accommodating...

Japanese firm seeks EU probiotic approval

Japanese firm seeks EU probiotic approval

By Jane Joseph

The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) is calling for views on an application from Japan’s Miyarisan Pharmaceutical for European Union Novel Foods status for a probiotic strain.

EU health claim laws strip consumers of right ‘to share in scientific development’: Author

“Advancements made in nutritional science and the benefits produced by foods and foodstuffs may no longer be shared with consumers by those who procure the foods and foodstuffs."

EU health claim laws strip consumers of right ‘to share in scientific development’: Author

By Shane Starling

The European Union nutrition and health claims regulation (NHCR) denies consumers of the right to scientific advancement in nutrition, says outspoken Dutch writer and NHCR opponent, Bert Schwitters.

EFSA to deliver baby and children’s milk opinion

EFSA to deliver baby and children’s milk opinion

By Shane Starling

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has been asked by the EU to produce a report on the nutritional value of follow-on formulas and children’s or toddlers' milks that may inform labeling updates across the block.

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