Regulation & policy

The Pope said food was susceptible to manipulation by complaints of the economic crisis

Pope Francis: Food has been reduced to a commodity


Market pre-eminence has reduced food to a commodity subject to financial speculation, Pope Francis told attendees at a major nutrition conference in Rome this morning.

Prune claim rejected for lack of population-specific studies

EFSA health claim opinions

EFSA rejects prunes for kids bowel function; carbs non-characterised

By Shane Starling

The EU’s central science agency has rejected a health claim submission linking prunes (Prunus domestica L) with normal bowel function in under-3s for a lack of infant-specific data. A carbohydrate-based claim was also rejected while zinc and selenium...

NPN: “Herbs at the moment are the biggest problem but not the only problem.

‘Elegant’: Dutch group seeks traditional health claims regulation


A Dutch healthy foods and supplements association has proposed a traditional claims regulation or amendment to EU health claim laws it says would ‘elegantly’ solve the ongoing and stalled imbroglio about how traditional food use data can back claims.

Back in the game: CAS agrees Evi Sachenbacher-Stehle's DMAA doping infringement was most likely caused by a contaminated foodstuff

DMAA doping or contamination?

Food supplements fingered as German doping ban reduced


A German Winter Olympian has had her doping ban reduced from two years to six months, after the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), agreed the DMAA in her system had likely come from a contaminated food supplement.

Author response: On the bending of EU botanical laws and meanings

By Bert Schwitters

Last week NutraIngredients published a guest article by author Bert Schwitters about the EU nutrition and health claims regulation (NHCR) that discussed the status of botanicals and associated claims in the European Union. Schwitters was not happy with...


Analyst predicts more European bans could follow

Lithuania bans energy drink sales to under 18s

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Lithuania has banned energy drink sales to under 18s - making the Baltic state the first European country to do so.

Lawyer: “This ruling just shows that it is very difficult to make any reference to any health professional...

ASA pulls 2 Vitabiotics ads in UK

By Anna Bonar

The UK's biggest supplement manufacturer, Vitabiotics, has been censored over two ads for misleading health claims by the UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).

EU health claim laws are curbing commercial speech, but separating botanicals won't work, argues author

Guest article: EU law fritters

Author: EU health claims laws cannot be bent for botanicals

By Bert Schwitters

Nutrition author, blogger and harsh critic of the EU’s health claim laws, Bert Schwitters, says any attempt to create separate rules for more than 1500 on-hold botanical claim applications is doomed to failure in this guest article.  

Medical Brands markets medical devices like cranberry-based I-Say in the targets women's urinary tract infection (UTI) issues

Industry voice: In defense of nutritional medical devices in the EU

By Maikel Hendriks, CEO of Medical Brands

Since 2008 the severity of the EU’s health claim laws has seen many firms seek other routes to back claims – the EU’s medical devices legal avenue being one of them. Amsterdam-based Maikel Hendriks, the CEO of Medical Brands, examines the controversial,...


HFMA awaits EU health claims verdict after court hearing

By By Anna Bonar and Shane Starling

The UK Health Food Manufacturers' Association (HFMA) appeal against the EU nutrition and health claims regulation (NHCR) has been heard in the European Court of Justice (ECJ) more than two years after it was lodged.

An ASA independent review found no cause to repair its initial verdict

GSK-MaxiNutrition loses protein health claims appeal


Sir Hayden Phillips, the man tasked with performing ‘independent reviews’ of UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) rulings, has backed a July ruling against GlaxoSmithKline sports brand MaxiNutrition for exaggerated protein-recovery claims.

Most SMEs will not be able to keep track of nutritional changes to their products

Food Safety Conference

Labelling changes strike ‘fear’ into SMEs

By Nicholas Robinson

Changes to food labelling rules have shaken small- to medium-sized food and drink businesses (SMEs), which fear being put out of business, a leading industry advisor has revealed.

EFSA has delivered a positive opinion on DSM's application to extend the use of its DHA and EPA-rich algal oils.

EFSA gives DSM green light on algal omega-3 extension

By Nathan Gray

The European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) has granted an extension of use for docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)-rich algal oil from Schizochytrium sp. as a novel food ingredient. 

Commission was wrong to separate med agency and EFSA: MEP

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The Commission was wrong to separate the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA), nutrient profiles are unconvincing and the threat of botanical court action is unsurprising, a Member of the European Parliament (MEP)...

High-fiber sourdough rye bread & reduced glycaemic response: Cause and effect? Yes. Health claim? No...

“almost any carbohydrate-containing food would induce a reduction of post-prandial blood glucose responses"

EFSA rejects Fazer rye bread health claim


EFSA has agreed ‘high-fiber sourdough rye bread’ may significantly reduce post-prandial glycaemic and insulin response compared to glucose, but refused a health claim from Fazer in Finland because all foods would have the same effect in comparison to...

Novel food proposals

Does 'history of safe consumption' mean foods are safe?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Proposals to create a separate process for novel food approval from countries outside of the EU will not see the market flooded with unsafe foods, a European Commission official told a concerned audience at a European Parliament workshop.

Firms like Nexira promote nutrient-health links at shows like HI-Japan, but they do not always make it onto products as claims

"We aren’t going to wake up one day and everything will be crystal clear; there’s going to be some trial and error going through it.”

Godsend or Godzilla? What will Japan’s new health claims system look like?

By RJ Whitehead & Shane Starling at Health Ingredients-Japan in Tokyo

Japan will implement a new health claims system that is set to supersede its strict FOSHU regime in April 2015 – just six months away – but what form will it take and will it meet its deadline?

Innovation deflation: The EU food sector partially blames novel foods laws for an R&D investment level of 1.5% of revenue, compared to 15% for the pharma industry

"As a member of Parliament, I need facts. And I think you, the food industry, have the resources to find those."

MEP defends EU novel foods laws against innovation attacks

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn from the European Parliament in Brussels

The food industry should provide facts if it expects EU decision makers to consider dismantling the controversial novel foods regulation it has long-argued discourages innovation, a UK member of the European Parliament (MEP) said at a workshop in Brussels...

Endurance athletes like professional cyclists swear by sports gels - EFSA has failed to back their efficacy

“Try telling any marathoner or endurance cyclist that carb drinks and gels don't help them maintain performance over long distances and you'll be laughed out of the room..."

‘Controversial’; EFSA rejects sports gels for endurance


Data backing ‘carbohydrate solutions’ like sports gels to benefit 60-minute-plus endurance efforts have been rebuffed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), a decision one sports nutrition expert called, “controversial”.

The EFSA scientific opinion stated that the evidence provided failed to substantiate a cause and effect relationship.

“The applicant provided 47 references which did not address the effects of L. plantarum TENSIA on BP."

EFSA issues fresh rejection for probiotic ‘heart cheese’ health claim

By Nathan Gray

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has delivered a negative opinion on a second dossier suggesting that a link a probiotic cheese can benefit blood pressure.

Sir Colin Blackmore warned of a problem with scientific staffing at the FSA

Top advisor slams scientific shortfall at FSA

By Nicholas Robinson

A row has erupted about the threat to scientific expertise available within the Food Standards Agency (FSA) caused by government budget cuts, which critics argue have left the agency seriously short of the skills it needs within its science and policy...

European food supplement markets: 2 chairs share their industry wares

Special edition: Inside Europe's food supplement markets

European food supplement markets: 2 chairs share their industry wares


The trade group Food Supplements Europe (FSE) and UK pro-supplements lobby group Consumers for Health Choice (CHC) take differing views on Europe’s food supplements markets and what is best for them and consumers. We present them here…

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