All news articles for September 2023

Getty | Andrea Izzotti

Aker Biomarine talks sustainability and science

By Nikki Hancocks

Krill oil makes up approximately 15% of the omega-3 supplement market and is well posiutioned to weather storm around the Peruvian anchovy supply as "one of the most plentiful biomasses in the world" according to Norwegian fishing and biotech...

Getty | fizkes

Science reports compile skin health benefits of omega-3

By Nikki Hancocks

GOED (the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s) has created two reports outlining the benefits of omega-3s to skin health conditions utilising its database of more than 40,000 published papers.

Getty | James Kelley


GOED perspective on the global fish oil supply

By Ellen Schutt, Managing Director, GOED

The global fish oil supply situation has been a hot topic in recent months, since the cancellation of the first anchovy fishing season in the North Central region of Peru in June.

Getty | suwadee sangsriruang

Active Nutrition Summit: How to innovate in cognitive health

By Nikki Hancocks

The key drivers propelling interest in cognitive health supporting food and drink are plant-based nootropics, the gut-brain axis, and on-the-go delivery formats, according to expert insights set to be presented at the Active Nutrition Summit.

Getty | CharlieAJA

Expert Opinion

ESSNA Insights: Navigating the EU-UK regulatory divergence

By Luca Bucchini

Since Brexit and the subsequent EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) in January 2021, UK’s departure from the EU has caused significant challenges for the sports and active nutrition sector and the wider food industry, bringing important regulatory...

getty | Hinterhaus Productions

AI meal image analysis software under scrutiny

By Nikki Hancocks

Research from the University of Bern, Switzerland, backs the usability of 'goFOODLite' software to provide nutritional analysis of meals from a single image but suggests advancements for improved accuracy.


MenaQ7 Vitamin K may offer heart protection in menopausal women

By Olivia Brown

In soon-to-be published research by Gnosis by Lesaffre, new findings suggest that daily intakes of MenaQ7 vitamin K supplement may improve blood vessel elasticity and regulate blood pressure in menopausal women with arterial stiffness.

Image: Getty/fcafotodigital

Extreme diets for carbs and fats linked with higher risk of mortality

By Oliver Morrison

In findings that suggest that people should pursue a balanced long-term diet rather than heavily restricting their carbohydrate or fat intake, researchers in Japan found that a low carbohydrate intake in men and a high carbohydrate intake in women are...

NutraCast: Nutritional Concerns of the Female Athlete

NutraCast: Nutritional Concerns of the Female Athlete

By Danielle Masterson

Although women have been underrepresented in nutrition, sport, and exercise science research, there’s a growing understanding of how sex differences and sex hormones influence the nutritional requirements to maximize health, performance, and recovery...

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