Regulation & policy

Getty | solarseven

COVID-19: Scientists raise the vitamin D alarm

By Nikki Hancocks

A group of researchers and doctors have formed an international alliance aiming to encourage governments to increase recommendations for vitamin D intake to 4,000 IU daily as they believe this would reduce COVID-19 hospitalisations.

Pic: GettyImages/jirkaejc

Should salt reduction targets be made mandatory in Europe?

By Flora Southey

Voluntary salt reduction strategies are commonplace across EU Member States, but are they doing enough? FoodNavigator asks the European Snacks Association’s Sebastian Emig and Action on Salt’s Sonia Pombo whether it’s time mandatory measures were enforced...

NutraVideo: Clinical studies are key in gaining consumer trust

NutraVideo: Clinical studies are key in gaining consumer trust

By Danielle Masterson

The Coronavirus pandemic was a wakeup call for many, highlighting how conventional medicine may not have immediate solutions. This is driving consumers to look for alternative solutions, but not everyone is convinced dietary supplements are the answer....

Minister of Food and Agriculture Julia Klöckner and WBAE Chairman Harald Grethe BMEL/Mewes

Germany mulls introduction of mandatory climate and NutriScore labels

By Oliver Morrison

An influential advisory group in Germany has urged the government to introduce mandatory climate labels on foodstuffs to display the greenhouse gas emissions of products, as well as for a mandatory roll out of the as yet voluntary NutriScore labelling...

Is it up to Amazon to make sure what's on the label is what's inside the bottle? ©Getty Images - batuhan toker

From the editor's desk

Is it Amazon’s job to fix a problem that was decades in the making?

By Hank Schultz

There has long been a tale within the dietary supplement business of there being two industries, the ‘good guys’ and ‘them.’ With the proliferation of fraudulent products for sale online, the question becomes, whose job is it to remedy that?

What's happening in the UK & EU for CBD?

What's happening in the UK & EU for CBD?

By Stephen Daniells

With the UK and the European Union now on divergent paths because of Brexit, what is the state of play for regulating hemp and CBD across the pond and where are the opportunities?

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