Increased protein intake could boost metabolism and lean muscle mass
Consumption of a diet rich in protein could boost metabolism over the short term, and increase lean muscle mass by up to 45%, suggest researchers.
News, Analysis & Insights on Nutrition, Supplements, and Health
Consumption of a diet rich in protein could boost metabolism over the short term, and increase lean muscle mass by up to 45%, suggest researchers.
Maintaining optimal levels of selenium may improve mood and be associated with lower risk of depressive symptoms for young adults, says a new study from New Zealand.
Regulators in Italy’s €1.2bn food supplements market are cracking the harshest whips against health claims abusers in the EU – a firm was recently fined €250,000 – but will the wounds be deep enough to change the market?
The health benefits of switching to a Mediterranean style diet and upping the amount of time spent exercising for a period of just eight weeks can still be seen a year after stopping the regime, according to a new study.
A newly approved EU health claim to say folic acid supplements reduce the risk of infant neural tube defects will bring home the nutrient’s importance to women, say a team of campaigners and trade groups behind the claim.