Archives for June 3, 2014

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Eating prunes can help weight loss

By Maggie Hennessy

Research from the University of Liverpool found that including prunes in weight may control diets and even improve weight loss. But can the dried plum get past its image problem?

World Environment Day - June 5 2014 - Driving action on climate change

Sustainable food: Cut the greenwashing and act now, says Food Tank

By Kacey Culliney

Food manufacturers don’t understand the urgency of sustainability and need to act faster, but also communicate actions better with consumers, says the president of global NGO Food Tank.

“Clasado never at any point sought to make any misleading or exaggerated claims.”

UK clams Clasado prebiotic claims; cans ‘transition period’ argument


UK-Jersey prebiotic specialist Clasado has had web-based, gut-immunity claims slapped down by the UK advertising watchdog the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) which found they were unauthorised under the EU nutrition and health claims regulation (NHCR).

Canadians set for run at calcium constipation market

By Sarah Hills

A health science company is positioning for launch into the calcium bone health market after coming out top in a clinical trial that put it head-to-head with Pfizer’s Caltrate brand. Reduction of constipation side-effects were the main benefits.