Archives for August 12, 2012

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€4m EU project mines plant and fish for protein and antioxidants

By Shane Starling

A three-year EU project is targeting the typical 50%+ wastage in fish and grain stocks as a source of proteins and antioxidants that can be used to tackle malnutrition in the developing world as well as deliver green, cost-effective nutrients.

Aged garlic plus CoQ10 show heart health benefits: RCT

By Stephen Daniells

A combination of aged garlic extract and coenzyme Q10 may improve vascular health by improving the function of the cells lining the blood vessels, says a new study with LA County firefighters.

Clinical trials needed to fulfill prebiotics obesity promise: Professor

By Shane Starling

Battling obesity is not the first port of call for prebiotics – they are much more commonly known for their role in promoting gut health and boosting immune systems. But a growing number of studies is showing different prebiotic forms can influence weight...