Archives for August 3, 2010

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TNO to explore meat alternatives and oils from algae

By Jess Halliday

TNO has teamed up with industrial algae producer Ingrepro Renewables for a two year research project investigating the extraction of proteins, healthy oils, and possible carbohydrates from algae.

NattoPharma says calcium research highlights vitamin K role

By staff reporter

Norwegian vitamin K supplier NattoPharma has backed the role of vitamin K in calcium metabolism following the controversial British Medical Journal meta-analysis linking calcium consumption and increased risk of heart attack.

EFSA Novel Food opinions: chitin-glucan and CMC

By Lorraine Heller

In two novel food opinions for dietary supplement ingredients, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has confirmed the safety of a fibre ingredient but said there was not enough evidence to demonstrate the safety of an ingredient for osteoarthritis.

EFSA sets health claim workshop timetable

By Shane Starling

The European Food Safety Authority has published dates for a series of area-specific health claim workshops beginning with gut health and immunity in Amsterdam on December 2.